
  • 网络Growth investing;growth investment;growth strategies
  1. 按现有水平,对冲基金在平衡和成长投资组合中的权重为5%,但没有出现在收入组合中。

    At current levels , hedge funds make up 5 per cent of the growth and balanced portfolios and do not appear in the income portfolio .

  2. 第四章介绍了开放式投资基金的绩效评估体系,并以华夏成长投资基金为实证详细介绍了美国晨星投资基金风险评估体系。

    Chapter four has introduced the performance evaluation system of the open investment funds , grow up investment funds introduce investment funds risk evaluation system , stars at dawn of U.S.A.

  3. 广义的私募股权投资包括了风险投资(venturecapital)、成长型投资以及并购基金等多种形式,运用新型金融工具开展对非上市公司股权的投资活动。

    It has developed since late 1970s . In broad sense , Private Equity ( PE ) includes venture capital , growth capital and M & A fund as three main categories of investment . Private Equity invests in non-public companies through various financial instruments .

  4. 最后统计发现价值投资组合相对于成长性投资组合取得了超额收益率。

    The final analysis found that value relative to the growth portfolio investment portfolio made excess return rate .

  5. 研究人员发现,环境的影响也有助于解释投资者对价值或成长型投资的倾向。

    Environmental influences also help explain the ' tilt ' toward value or growth investing , the researchers found .

  6. 我国证券市场投资分析主要分为基础分析和技术分析,其中基础分析又分为价值型投资和成长型投资两种模式。

    Our domestic securities market , investment analytical theory is mainly divided into foundation investment analyzing and technology investment analyzing .

  7. 同年,南方稳健证券投资基金和华夏成长证券投资基金也在不到半年的时间内相继成立。

    Southern steadiness security investment fund and Hua xia growth security investment fund were issued consecutively in the same year .

  8. 这些理论的推理,目前被用来解释诸如均衡成长及投资优先次序决定等少数密切相关的问题。

    The inference of these theories are used to explain the equilibrium growth and priority sequence of investment and so on .

  9. 长期以来,一些专家怀疑利用税收体制鼓励创业者以及对成长企业投资的做法,有可能事与愿违。

    Some experts have long suspected that using the tax system to encourage entrepreneurs and investment in growing business has a tendency to backfire .

  10. 目前在国内外证券市场上主要有两种证券投资模式:成长型投资和价值型投资。

    At present , there are two kinds of securities investment modes mainly at home and abroad : the growing up investment and the value investment .

  11. 针对投资价值分析在应用中的问题,文章首先比较了价值型投资与成长型投资的理念、自上而下与自下而上的选股方法。

    Furthermore , I also identify different investment methods such as value investment and growth investment , " top down " approach and " down top " approach .

  12. 接着将实物期权的定价方法应用到企业通过技术开发使技术能力得到成长的投资决策中,主要包括识别期权、选择定价模型、根据计算结果做出决策。

    Thirdly , this paper applies real options pricing models to technology researching a typical path of the development of technological capability , including identifying real options , selecting pricing models , making decisions from the results .

  13. 成长型投资指购买那些有希望在未来获得迅速成长的公司股票,并期望随着公司的成长而获利的投资模式。

    The growing up investment means that investors buy the stocks of company which hopefully have rapid growing up in the future , and investors expect that the investment will make a profit with growth of the companies .

  14. 意大利奢侈品企业面临的主要威胁,是规模和组织结构,他表示,一些公司规模太小,无法在全球范围内参与竞争,而许多企业家并无成长和投资方面的雄心。

    The threats to Italian luxury companies are principally ones of size and in their organisation , he said . Some are too small to compete on a global scale and many entrepreneurs do not have the ambition to grow and to invest .

  15. 私人股本交易往往规模较小,而且集中在首次公开发行(IPO)前的成长型资本投资上。

    PE deals tend to be small , and skewed towards pre-initial public offering growth capital .

  16. 恒速成长公司股票投资价值的经济弹性分析

    An Economic Elasticity Analysis of the Stock Investment Value in Constant-Growth Corporations

  17. 软件行业成长性与投资价值分析

    Analysing Growth and Investment Value of Software Industry

  18. 新基金将专注于规模略小的交易,包括一些成长型股权投资。

    The new vehicle will focus on slightly-smaller transactions , including some growth equity investments .

  19. 在幼儿期发育成长领域进行投资是减少卫生不公平的最佳途径之一。

    Investing in early childhood development provides one of the best ways to reduce health inequities .

  20. 经济转型期产业成长与产业投资基金研究

    Studies on Industrial Growth and Industrial Investment Fund in the Period of Economic Transition in China

  21. 进一步推进国有企业分红改革可以有助于将企业收益高效率地引导到政府消费或成长性行业投资上。

    Further SOE dividend reform can help channeling corporate earnings more efficiently , to either government consumption or investment in a growth industry .

  22. 过度投资是指企业的投资超出或偏离了自身的能力和成长机会,投资于净现值为负(NPV0)的项目。

    Over-investment means that companies ' investments are in excess of its ability to grow and the NPV ( net present value ) were less than zero .

  23. 这将要求政府减少开支和增加开支的理性,从而让我们能够进行对未来成长至关重要的投资。

    This will require the government to spend less and spend more wisely , so that we can afford to make the investments that are critical to future growth .

  24. 结果支持了负债代理成本理论,尤其为负债融资对高成长企业的投资不足影响提供了有力证据。

    The results provide support to agency theories of corporate leverage , and especially evidence for the impact of financing structure on the underinvestment of firms with high growth opportunities .

  25. 进一步对我国产业成长和产业投资进行了一个实证分析,结果表明投融资方式是影响产业成长的一种重要因素。

    Furthermore , a positive research on the growth and investment of industries in China indicates that the investment mode is one of the important factors influencing the industrial growth .

  26. 文章首先阐述了私募股权基金的涵义,研究私募股权基金针对目标企业不同成长阶段的投资类型、私募股权基金的特征及私募股权基金发展现阶段的特点。

    This paper described the meaning of private equity funds , private equity funds of the target company at different stages of the investment types . This paper studied the characteristics of private equity funds .

  27. 研究结论表明在2003年8月15日至2004年12月10日期间,成长型证券投资基金的业绩优于以大盘股票指数为投掷组合的基准组合;

    This article shows that during Aug 15,2003 and Dec 10,2004 , the growing mutual fund performance exceed the objective fund that invest the stocks that compose of Shanghai Composite Index or Citic Composite Index .

  28. 在对人力资源进行价值确认时,既要考虑为劳动力的成长进行的投资所形成的转移价值,也要参考资本的技术构成因素来确定劳动者自身的劳动(学习)新创造的价值。

    When the value of human resource be affirmed , it is necessary to include transformed value which was invested for the growth of labourer and the new value which was created by the work of labourer .

  29. 现如今我国经济中的现实是:首先银行又积压着巨额资金不能得到充分有效的利用;其次企业群体成长所需要投资相对于中小企业自身价值过于庞大。

    These realities of our economy is in arrears with the bank and : first astronomical sums of money cannot be fully effective use of ; enterprise groups and they need to develop investment value to the SMES .

  30. 从创业板市场的发展实践来看,研究上市公司成长性与投资价值将对创业板市场的利益各方产生重要的影响,对于整个创业板市场的发展具有十分重要的现实意义。

    But from the development practice of the GEM market , listed company growth and investment value will have an important impact on the the interests of all parties of GEM , which have very important practical significance to the development of the gem .