
  • 网络chengdu dialect
  1. 成都话主观量范畴的特殊表达形式

    Special Expressions of Subjective Quantity Categories in Chengdu Dialect

  2. 成都话属于北方方言区西南官话,在西南地区有很大影响。

    Chengdu dialect belongs to the official language of south-west in north dialect area . It has tremendous influence in southwest area .

  3. 再次,运用比较的方法,把这些方言和成都话、北京话比较。

    Thirdly , it compares the dialects of the seven places with Beijing and Chengdu .

  4. 20世纪成都话经历了老年、中年和青少年三代人的语音变化。

    The 20th century witnesses phonetic changes in Chengdu dialect of three generations of the aged , the middle aged and the adolescent .

  5. 成都话有主观量范畴的特殊表达形式,主要用助词打和把表示。

    In Chengdu dialect , there is a subjective quantity category which is expressed by particle " da " or " ba " .

  6. 西南官话是现代汉语北方方言的一个重要分支,成都话是西南官话的代表方言。

    The southwest mandarin is one of the important branches of mandarin in modern Chinese language . Among it , Chengdu dialect is its representative .

  7. 同时由于受到成都话的影响,又产生了许多新的变化。

    Since that time , they have retained the basic framework of Hakka dialects and accepted a lot of new changes influenced by Chengdu dialects at the same time .

  8. 第四部分将八地语音系统与同时代的成都话、北京话的语音系统进行横向比较,归纳出八地在音系上的异同。

    The fourth part is a synchronic comparison : comparing speeches in the 8 counties with Chengdu Speech and Beijing speech to conclude the similarities and differences on the phonology .

  9. 文章除了对成都话的疑问词和疑问句两大系统进行了详尽的静态描写之外,还同普通话的相关对应项作了比较。

    In the paper , the author not only makes a static description of both word system and sentence system of interrogative category in detail , but also does a comparative study on the differences and similarities of interrogative category between Chengdu dialect and Mandarin .

  10. 彭山方言是四川方言的一种,它与相邻的成都话的音系有很大的不同,与其他四川方言相比,其明显的特征是保留了入声声调。

    The Pengshan Speech is one of the dialects in Sichuan , which is greatly different from the Chengdu Dialect which is adjacent to Pengshan Speech . Compared with other dialects in Sichuan , the distinctive feature is the ending tone which is still reserved in the Pengshan Speech .

  11. 结合西昌客家话和成都客家话所处的语言环境。

    Combined with the locale of Xichang and Chengdu Hakka Speech .

  12. 清代成都江湖话词语解读(上)人们到江湖中游泳。

    Decoding the Societal Language in Chengdu ( I ); People go swimming in rivers and lakes .

  13. 文章以四川境内的西昌、成都两地客家话方言岛作为研究对象。

    This paper takes Xichang , simultaneously , Chengdu Hakka dialect as research objects .

  14. 20世纪成都话音变研究&成都话在普通话影响下的语音变化及规律

    Study of Phonetic Changes in Chengdu Dialect in the 20th Century