
chū guǐ
  • be derailed;go off the rails;jump the rails;overstep the bounds;derail
出轨 [chū guǐ]
  • (1) [be derailed]∶脱轨

  • (2) [overstep the bounds]∶语言和行为脱离了原则、超出界限

  • 做事不可出轨

出轨[chū guǐ]
  1. 有一棵树横在铁轨上,造成机车出轨

    The engine be derailed by a tree lying across the line

  2. 我认为,人会出轨的原因只有两种,第一种:他厌倦了现在的生活。

    I think that would be derailed were only two reasons , first : He is tired of life .

  3. 有几节火车车厢出轨了。

    Several cars went off the rails .

  4. 今天有数人在一列火车出轨时受了伤。

    Several people were injured today when a train was derailed

  5. 通常他接的案子都涉及出轨的丈夫和离家出走的妻子。

    Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives

  6. 她把自己一时出轨的先后经过一五一十地告诉了他。

    She gave him a factual account of the chronology of her brief liaison .

  7. 火车突然出轨了。

    The train jumped the rail .

  8. 火车出轨颠覆了。

    The train derailed and overturned .

  9. 球星科比·布莱恩特在出轨后,给妻子买了一枚价值相当于一个大房子的戒指。

    After sleeping with another woman , Kobe Bryant bought his wife a ring that cost as much as a large house .

  10. 在转轨站中有一个入轨、一个出轨和k个缓冲轨,缓冲轨位于入轨和出轨之间。

    There is a transition station in orbit , a rail derailment and k-buffer , the buffer between the rail in the orbit and the derailment .

  11. 事实上,打入出轨者生活圈子4周之后一个收获是,我现在怀疑每个男人都在IllicitEncounters上过着双重生活。

    Indeed , one result of my four-week infiltration into the lives of adulterers is that I now suspect every man of living a double life on Illicit Encounters .

  12. 一位未透露姓名的消息来源告诉美国名人消息网TMZ,科比的妻子申请离婚,是因为她认为丈夫再次出轨不忠。

    Unnamed sources told celebrity news website TMZ that Vanessa Bryant was filing for divorce because she believed her husband had been unfaithful again .

  13. 3.derailvt.使出轨为我们的子孙建设更美好的香港是我们的长远目标,事实上,我们并不容许亚洲金融风暴影响这项长远目标。

    Indeed , we are not allowing the Asia financial turmoil to derail our long-term focus of building a better Hong Kong for our next generation .

  14. 但这其实并不奇怪,密苏里大学的研究表明爱tweet的人也爱cheat,一个人越喜欢玩推特之类的社交网站,那他在恋爱时越容易出现问题,比如出轨。

    While this isn 't too surprising , research from the University of Missouri shows those who tweet cheat . The more often a person uses Twitter , the more often they have relationship conflicts , like affairs .

  15. 在即将上演的喜剧《火车出轨》(Trainwreck)中,阿帕托指导编剧兼喜剧演员艾米·舒默(AmySchumer)初次尝试大屏幕上的性爱戏,她在自己的片场拖车里听碧昂斯(Beyoncé),好让自己兴奋起来。

    In the forthcoming comedy " Trainwreck , " Mr. Apatow directed the writer and comedian Amy Schumer in her first big-screen sex scenes ; she pumped herself up by listening to Beyonc é in her trailer .

  16. 当他知道妻子出轨的对象就是作家VictorPegala时,他马上驱车前往他的公寓,冷静的介绍自己就是那位丈夫,与他聊天,最后冷血的杀害他。

    Once he knows the lover is the writer Victor Pegala , he drives to his apartment , calmly introduces himself as the husband , starts chatting and kills him coldbloodedly .

  17. 2010年,媒体曝出与玛德琳订婚的瑞典律师乔纳斯·伯格斯特洛姆(JonasBergstrom)出轨,订婚取消后,玛德琳逃避似的去了纽约。

    And in 2010 , she fled to New York after breaking off her first engagement to Swedish attorney Jonas Bergstrom amid media reports that he had cheated on her .

  18. 上周六的动车碰撞事故导致至少39人死亡、200余人受伤,这是1998年德国艾雪德(Eschede)列车出轨事故以来死亡人数最多的高速列车事故。

    At least 39 people died and more than 200 were injured when two trains collided on Saturday in the deadliest high-speed train accident since the 1998 Eschede disaster in Germany .

  19. 据美国调查机构PrinceAssoc.在2007年对身家3000万美元以上的富人所做调查,50%的受访已婚男性承认自己曾出轨。这与性学家对更大范围美国人所作做的调查结果相符。

    According to a 2007 study of people worth 30 million or more by Prince Assoc. , 50 % of of the male survey respondents who were married said they 'd had affairs . That 's about in line with findings for the broader American population , according to sexologists .

  20. 治疗学家弗兰克·皮特曼认为,几乎所有的婚姻背叛者都会为自己的出轨深感后悔。

    Therapist Frank Pittman believes virtually all cheaters deeply regret straying .

  21. 至少,我的心已经出轨了。

    At the very least , my heart has been derailed .

  22. 市场工作就是让系统交易者出轨。

    The market 's job is to derail the systems traders .

  23. 这是为了使它不至于跑出轨道。火车出轨的交通意外事故。

    An accident in which a train runs off its track .

  24. 男人出轨前都有徵兆。

    Before a man cheats on you , there are signs .

  25. 由于受到破坏,一列火车出轨了。

    Owing to sabotage , a train jumped the rails .

  26. 这篇文章讨论了为什么人们出轨的主要原因。

    This article has covered the main reasons why people might cheat .

  27. 离婚、中风、车祸、出轨任何事都有可能。

    Divorce , stroke , car crash , cheating anything .

  28. 如果有什么出轨行为,立刻给我电话。

    Whenever they get out of line , give me a ring .

  29. 你不觉得出轨的男人该受惩罚么?

    You don 't think men who cheat get what they deserve ?

  30. 那么,谁想在出轨的高速火车里?

    Sooo , who wants to die in a high-speed train derailment ?