
shàn hòu
  • rehabilitate;redress;deal with problems arising from an accident, etc.;make good what comes after;cope with the aftermath of a disaster;deal with problems arising from an accident, disaster, etc
善后 [shàn hòu]
  • [deal with problems arising from an accident, etc.;redress;make good what comes after] 灾变丧乱后,妥善地料理遗留的问题

  • 虽有智者,不能善其后矣。--《孙子.作战》

  • 善后事宜

善后[shàn hòu]
  1. 这位老先生负责处理这次车祸的善后工作。

    This old gentleman is to deal with the aftermath of the traffic accident .

  2. 在意大利卡普里岛,狗主人如果不清理狗狗的便便,当地会利用狗狗的DNA来追踪狗主人意大利那不勒斯海湾南部的卡普里小岛上,当地法律规定,狗主人必须为当街拉便便的狗狗善后。

    In the small island on the south side of the Gulf8 of Naples , Capri , there is a local law that dog owners must clean up after their dogs if they poop on the street .

  3. Katrina飓风灾难后我去帮忙善后了

    I aided the cleanup post - - Katrina ,

  4. 对商业银行来说,美国联邦储蓄保险公司(fdic)将负责善后工作。

    In the case of commercial banks , the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation takes charge .

  5. (他曾负责苹果糟糕的应用MobileMe的善后工作,并最终撤掉了这项服务。)

    ( he cleaned up and eventually killed MobileMe too . )

  6. 如果在最后一次迭代开发中,主要包含的是全球化和bug修复之类的善后工作,那么团队可以在此时考虑使用较短的迭代开发期限。

    If the final iteration contains mainly endgame activities such as globalization and bug fixing , it is less disruptive to the team to have a shorter iteration at this point .

  7. 报告还敦促荷兰Trafigura公司更广泛地接受人们的批评,并更加主动地解决善后事宜。

    It urges the Dutch company Trafigura to be more open to criticism and more willing to resolve the issues .

  8. 公共危机善后处理是危机管理的一个重要环节。

    Handling public crisis is an important link in crisis management .

  9. 海啸和地震的善后处理让民众记忆深刻。

    The clean-up from the tsunami and earthquake has been impressive .

  10. 摩斯不会挑起打斗事端,只会善后处理。

    Mose don 't start fights , just finishes them .

  11. 1935年的汉江特大洪灾及其善后

    The Han River Flood in 1935 and the Remaining Problems

  12. 一般情况下孩子是不做家务的,相反为他们‘善后’是一项很重的家务。

    Traditionally , kids don 't do housework , they cause it .

  13. 不,你只是出钱让我为你的空难事件善后

    No , you paid me to clean up after your plane crash

  14. 据官方消息称,善后工作要持续几天的时间。

    Officials say repairing the pipe could take several days .

  15. 妥协与抗争:熊希龄与善后大借款

    Compromise and Resistance : Xiong Xiling and Loan in 1913

  16. 这样想,有人要跟在王子后面善后。

    Think about it . someone 's gotta clean up after the prince .

  17. 有朋友帮忙善后是件好事。

    It 's good to have friends who help clean up our messes .

  18. 善后仪式已经弄妥了。

    The services were lovely and very well attended .

  19. 善后会议是中国近代政治史上一次重要会议。

    The Reconstruction Conference was an important conference in modern Chinese political history .

  20. 总之,需要做一些善后工作。

    In all , it took some unscrambling .

  21. 他们想要清理善后。

    They 're trying to cover their tracks .

  22. 现在我得去善后

    now I 'm gonna have to un-drop .

  23. 联合国善后救济总署与联合国的协定

    Agreement between UNRRA and the United Nations

  24. 你们准备好清理善后没?

    You about ready to come clean ?

  25. 马来西亚航空和救援组织一起为协助秘鲁地震善后事宜而努力。

    Malaysian Airlines and aid groups joined relief efforts to help Peruvians after the earthquake .

  26. 从此,中国境内大规模的善后救济工作正式丌始。

    From then on , the extensive relief and rehabilitation work began formally in China .

  27. 善后辅导的主要目的,在于帮助释囚改过自新并重返社会。

    After-care services aim at facilitating the ex-offenders ' rehabilitation and reintegration into the society .

  28. 结果我们要为她收拾善后,然后又无法完成自己的工作。

    We end up covering for her and then can 't finish our own work .

  29. 例:我们将负责处理火灾的善后问题。

    Eg : We will be responsible for dealing with the aftermath of the fire .

  30. 一个简单的事实就是,欧洲已经无法为自己的行为善后。

    The simple truth is that Europe has been unable to clean up its own act .