
  1. 对急救护士开展心理访谈工作的探索

    An exploration on unfolding psychological interview for first aid nurses

  2. 人文精神的回归&论电视心理访谈类节目的传播理念

    Regression of Humanity Spirits & On the Communication Ideas of TV Programs of Psychological Interview

  3. 天时、地利、人和&《心理访谈》栏目的成功因素

    Successful Factor of Psychological Interview Column

  4. 本研究表明:第一,在中央电视台《心理访谈》节目这样的机构话语中,建议行为的实施全部以间接的方式进行。

    The study draws the following conclusions : Firstly , all the speech acts of advising are performed indirectly .

  5. 《心理访谈》的成功,可以从天时、地利、人和三方面进行阐述。

    The success of psychological interview , can be explained from three aspect : timeliness , favourable geographical position and support of people .

  6. 对《心理访谈》栏目的系统研究是对电视访谈节目理论研究的进一步拓展和深化,对实践有一定指导意义。

    The systematic research to Psychology Interview Column is the exploitation and deepening to the theory of TV interview programmes and this is of guidance to some extent for practice .

  7. 此栏目代表了我国心理类访谈节目的发展水平,在社会上引起广泛关注。

    This column represents the highest development level of Psychology Interview Columns in our country and has been paid extensive attention in whole society .

  8. 肝硬化失代偿期患者配偶心理体验的访谈及分析研究

    The psychological experience of the decompensated cirrhosis patients ' spouses

  9. 有关心理健康教育的访谈研究

    An Investigation Involving Mental Health Education

  10. 论犯罪心理测试前的访谈

    Talk Technique before Crime Psychology Testing

  11. 主要采用访谈法,以自编《长春市小学心理健康教育现状访谈提纲》作为研究工具。

    Mainly by interviews , we worked out the " Interview Outline of Mental Health Education in Primary schools in Changchun " as our research tool .

  12. 本文随后探讨了美国测谎中的访谈环节,与我国的犯罪心理测试技术中访谈的差异,从访谈这个角度揭示了测谎在学科基础与实案运用中的局限性。

    This paper argues that the U.S. " polygraph " in the interview session , and our interviews Polygraph technology differences from the perspective reveals the interviews . " polygraph " in the subject in the foundation and the limitations with the use of real case .

  13. 透视文化变迁下的个体心理状态&社会文化震荡影响个体心理健康的访谈研究

    To See Through the Individual Mentality Under the Cultural Vicissitude & An interview research about the social cultural vibration affects the individual mental health

  14. 以哲学和社会学为视角,以社会心理、心理学理论和体育学为基础,运用心理测量和访谈法,对奥运会提升市民凝聚力的心理因素进行探讨。

    From the angle of philosophy and sociology , on the basis of the social psychology , the theory of psychology and sport science , this paper discussed the effects of the Olympic Games on improving the Citizens ' cohesion with the methods of psychological measurement and interview .

  15. 本研究使用心理测验与质的研究相结合的方法,通过对江苏省名校长进行心理测试与访谈,从中了解成功校长所具备的个性特质与技能。

    By using qualitative research method and psychometry , this paper summarizes the skills and the characteristics of successful school principal after analyzing the results of psychometry and interview of successful school principal in Jiangsu province .