
xīn jìng
  • mood;state of mind;spirit;mental state;temper
心境 [xīn jìng]
  • [state of mind;mental state] 佛教语。指清净之心;心情;心绪

心境[xīn jìng]
  1. 青春不是年华,而是心境;

    Youth is not a time of life ; it is a state of mind ;

  2. 而在道德心理学中,感恩反被认为是一种道德情绪。McCullough综合了两方的观点,把感恩心理作为情绪特质、心境、以及情绪体验分别进行了较全面的研究。

    McCullough studied these two different points of view , and made a thorough research by regarding thankful mentality as emotional quality , state of mind , and emotional experience .

  3. 她心境不佳,需要一片自己的天地。

    She was upset and needed space .

  4. 我的话使他畏惧的心境暂时安定下来。

    My words calmed his fears for a while .

  5. 下棋时,我的心境处于很集中的状态。

    I have to be in the right frame of mind to play chess .

  6. 医学心理研究表明人的情绪、心境和行为与季节变化有关。

    Medical research shows that people 's mood , mental state and behavior have something to do with the change of seasons .

  7. 《我在天空上看到一张脸》——想起这首很久以前写的歌,心境已经大不相同了,人也已经老了许多——人老了么?

    I now remember a song I wrote quite a while ago , < I See a Face in the Sky > , but now my mood is quite different from what it was then , and I am also much older – am I ? So I stand there looking at those clouds .

  8. 恶劣心境障碍患者听觉P300变化的临床研究

    A clinical study of the effect of composite therapy on patients with dysthymic disorder

  9. 结论:SARS应激下,害怕程度高的、生活习惯改变大的、使用情绪中心应对多的网民,心境状况显著差;

    CONCLUSION : Netizens who fear SARS very much , change living habits greatly and use more emotion focused coping have worse mood status under the stress of SARS ;

  10. 真实内心的宁静、善良的心境得自烦恼(defilements)的止息。

    The life in true peace and a wholesome mental state can only be obtained by the cessation of defilements .

  11. 恶劣心境障碍患者综合治疗前后听觉事件诱发电位的变化恶劣心境与5-HTT,ACE基因多态性相关性研究

    A clinical study of the effect of composite therapy on patients with dysthymic disorder POLYMORPHISMS OF SEROTONIN TRANSPORTER AND ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME GENE IN DYSTHYMIC DISORDER

  12. 以HPLC-EC法对照研究恶劣心境障碍大鼠额叶单胺类神经递质的改变。

    HPLC-EC was used to study the changes of monoamine transmitters in frontal lobe of rat Dysthymic disorder Model .

  13. 研究目的:研究在不同的认知活动中,人格特质与心境对情绪信息加工过程的影响,验证Rusting的三个理论范式。

    Objective This paper 's purpose is to explore the roles that mood states and personality traits play in the processing of emotion-congruent information across different cognitive tasks , and to test three conceptual frameworks .

  14. 愤怒情绪下,R-R间期平均数与心境呈显著负相关,与EPQ-N呈显著正相关。

    Under anger , R - R interal mean and mood has significant negative correlation , and R - R interval mean and EPQ - N has significant positive correlation .

  15. 为评定修订心境状态量表(POMS-R)的信度和效度,并试图找出提示过度训练(OT)的参考值。

    The objective of the paper is to evaluate the revised profile of mood state ( POMS-R ) and try to find the cutoff point score of POMS-R for monitoring overtraining ( OT ) .

  16. 但是对于这个本应五年前就该提供的功能,我们很难去赞扬说微软做了一件功德无量的事情,因为这个工具就应该为那些负责TFS持续运行的管理员们提供一个安宁的心境。

    While it is hard to praise a major vendor for offering something that should have been available five years ago , this tool should offer some peace of mind to admins charged with keeping TFS running .

  17. 采用心理量表(PSPP和POMS)测量的方式研究长期的羽毛球锻炼对中老年人的心境和身体自尊的影响。

    This study is focused on the effects of long-term badminton training on the mental state and self-physical esteem among milder and old aged people , by the using of PSPP and POMS .

  18. 针对特定的考试应激,使用心境状态量表(POMS)和锻炼感觉量表(EFI),通过实验比较的方法,研究体育锻炼作为应对策略降低应激反应的效果。

    In this paper , the author adopts the Exercise Induced Feeling Inventory ( EFI ) and the Profile of Mood State ( POMS ) as the instrument to examine the effects of physical activity as a coping means to reduce examination stress reaction .

  19. 使用心理健康诊断测验(MHT)和心境状态量表(POMS)等研究工具,通过实验比较的方法,旨在研究民间传统体育锻炼与心理健康之间的关系。

    In the study , the Mental Health Test ( MHT ) and the Profile of Mood State ( POMS ) are used to research the psychological effects of Chinese folk exercise relation with mental health through the method of experimental control .

  20. 最近进行的世界精神卫生调查(WMHS)重点集中于焦虑障碍、心境障碍、酒/药使用所致精神障碍等常见精神障碍。

    The WHO World Mental Health Surveys ( WMHS ) carried out recently mainly focus on common mental disorders such as anxiety disorder , mood disorder and drug and alcohol abuse disorder .

  21. 结果:较之AND,AWD的临床特点为:(1)心境低落、失眠及焦虑情绪常见,各占100%、97.7%及86.0%;

    Results : The characteristic of AWD was as follows : ( 1 ) The dysphoria ? asleep hardly and anxiety state were very common in depression , it occurred in 100 % ? 97 7 % and 86 0 % of 43 cases respectively ;

  22. 他的脚步是轻快的,因为他的心境也是这样。

    His step was light , for his heart was so .

  23. 女人应当为自身而活,活的轻松,活的随便,活出一个自我,活出一份好心境。

    Women should live for themselves withe a rather simple life .

  24. 经历过不同训练年限的运动员赛前心境在平静性上差异显著。

    Athletes experienced different training period show significant difference on calmness .

  25. 而我的心境是通过实实在在的一笔一画来表现。

    My mood is expressed with every brushstroke in my paintings .

  26. 试论李清照的词境、词风与心境

    Try to discuss the poetic state , poetic style and mood

  27. 抑郁症与心境恶劣障碍患者的甲状腺素水平

    Levels of thyroid hormones in patients with depression and dysthymia disorder

  28. 焦虑/抑郁与适应性、心境相关;

    Anxiety / Depression correlates with adaptability and quality of mood .

  29. 快速循环心境障碍患者的成因分析

    Analysis on causes of rapid circulation in patients with mood disorders

  30. 怒气未消、过度疲劳或心境不佳时不要开车。

    Do not drive when angry , overtired , or upset .