
  1. 军队心理救援工作的定位及专家工作模型的建构

    Positioning of military psychological aid and constructing of expert working model

  2. 加强突发化学事故心理救援队伍的建设。

    Strengthen sudden chemical accident of psychological rescue teams in construction . 3 .

  3. 四川地震以后,(可以是玉树和舟曲)他们抢救伤员,提供心理救援,捐钱捐物。

    They went all out to save the victims , provide psychological counseling and donate money and materials .

  4. 四川地震以后,(可以是玉树和舟曲)他们抢救伤员,提供心理救援,捐钱捐物。志愿者精神就是无私的,为他人的,由个人和团体实施的不计回报的旨在促进社会发展的精神。

    The spirit of volunteerism featuring altruism and charity is a social concept held by individuals or groups who are willing to help others and improve society without pay .

  5. 汶川震后的灾难心理救援对策与思考生物危害应急救援辅助决策系统研究

    Thinking About Relief and Assistance Measures to Victims for Their Disaster Mental Health After Wenchuan Earthquake ; Studies on the Auxiliary Decision-making System for Emergency Response and Preparedness Against Biological Hazards

  6. 心理救助是灾害救援中非常重要组成部分,灾害救援中不仅要注重物质救灾,更要注重对受灾者的心理救助。

    So psychological rescue is a very important part in disaster relief , the attention should not only be paid to the material rescue , but also be paid to the psychological relief of disaster victims .