
  • 网络Constructive species;dominant species;edificator;edificator or constructive species
  1. 现代黄河三角洲植被主要建群种野外光谱特征及TM分类试验

    Field Spectral Features and Constructive Species Classification of Vegetation in Modern Yellow River Delta Using Landsat TM

  2. 河岸带森林群落建群种的个体年龄及其胸径关系呈现出显著正线性相关趋势,且其年龄结构沿海拔梯度也均呈现出倒J型分布。

    The relationship between the individual age and DBH of the constructive species took on markedly positive linear correlation trend , and the age class structures all took on reversed " J " shape in the riparian forest communities along an altitudinal gradient , too .

  3. 利用Clements多度记录法调查确定了天然植被中群落的优势种和建群种。

    Clements'abundance documentation approach was employed to determined the dominants or edificators of the natural vegetation .

  4. 白沙蒿(Artemisiasphaerocephala),是我国荒漠半荒漠地区的特有植物,是沙地植被主要的优势种和建群种。

    Artemisia sphaerocephala , the endemic plant in desert and semi-desert region , is an important dominant species in the sandy vegetation species .

  5. 聚类分析结果,当相关系数R≥0.90时,以重要值为特征的植物聚合为10类,它们分别属于植物群落不同演替阶段的建群种、优势种和伴生种。

    The clustering analysis results show that when the correlation coefficient R ≥ 0.90 , the plant species taking importance value as characteristic are grouped into 10 types , belonging to constructive plants , dominant plants , and associated plants of different successive phases of plant communities respectively .

  6. 研究了不同放牧强度下高寒矮嵩草草甸建群种矮嵩草(Kobresiahumilis)构件种群的数量在放牧第四年(1991年)和停牧1年后(1993年)的季节动态特性与反应。

    The seasonal dynamics and grazing responsiveness of modular populations of Kobresia humilis were studied at the fourth year ( 1991 ) of grazing under different stock intensities and after resting for 1 year ( 1993 ) in alpine meadow .

  7. 河南森林主要建群种区系特性研究

    Floristic Characteristics of Main Constructive Species of Forest in Henan

  8. 针叶树建群种的竞争能力比阔叶树弱。

    Conifer species have weaker competition ability than broadleaves .

  9. 气候变化条件下东北森林主要建群种的空间分布

    The spatial distribution of constructive species of Northeast forest under the climate changing

  10. 根据群落种群生长发育的特点及年龄结构情况可以看出,其建群种和优势种种群生长发育阶段完整。

    The characteristic of growth and development and age structure are also studied .

  11. 我国森林群落建群种营养元素含量的区域特征

    The regional characteristic of the forest community superior stand nutrients element content in China

  12. 结果表明这三个建群种均符合聚集分布。

    The results showed that these three species distributed in the congregate spatial pattern .

  13. 湖州不同林型建群种生物量格局的研究

    Study on Biomass Pattern of Chief Tree Species Under Different Forest Type in Huzhou Region

  14. 森林群落建群种的空间格局是群落结构的重要特征。

    The special pattern of the constructive species is the important features of the community .

  15. 壳斗科的常绿树种是本地主要建群种。

    In additions , evergreen species of Fagaceae were the major dominant species of community composition .

  16. 主要以建群种和优势种构成草原及荒漠类型,且具重要饲用价值。

    These species are major or dominant species in pasture and desert with high feeding value .

  17. 花粉组合不能反映群落结构特征,如建群种、结构、盖度等的差异在花粉组合中表现不出来。

    However , the surface pollen assemblages do not reflect the structure and cover of plant communities .

  18. 黄果厚壳桂是地带性植物群落的建群种和优势种,在维持群落结构的稳定性方面有重要的作用。

    It takes part in a very important position on the stability of the community structure and function .

  19. 不同尺度植物群落的建群种由物种本身的特性决定。

    The edificators of plant communities were all determined by characteristics of the species itself at different scale .

  20. 胶东沿海砂生植被基本特征及主要建群种空间分布格局的研究

    Basic Characteristics of the Psammophytic Vegetation on Coasts of Shandong Province and the Spatial Pattern of Its Keystone Species

  21. 结果表明:在沿线两侧形成的次生群落中没有特有的建群种,大多数是耐瘠薄的禾草和杂类草;

    Results show that there existed no peculiar constructive species in the secondary community , but only hardy grasses and forbs .

  22. 土壤元素对杉阔混交林几个建群种优势度效应

    The Effects of Soil Elements on the Dominance of Chief Dominant Tree Species in Chinese fir and Broad Leafed Mixed Forests

  23. 等一年生或多年生草本植物为主,作为建群种的天山云杉不足1%,反映出2004年为种子小年。

    Which is the dominant species can hardly reach to only 1 % . It shows that 2004 is off year .

  24. 在第四纪早、中期,胡杨逐渐演变成荒漠河岸林最主要的建群种。

    In the early Quaternary , medium , Populus gradually evolved into the most important building in desert riparian forest species .

  25. 随着净化过程的进行,细菌和草履虫数量下降,以针杆藻(以S.aucs为主)为建群种的浮游藻类群落占优势。

    In the course of purification process , the less quantity the bacteria and the paramecium , the more the swimming algae .

  26. 新疆塔里木河流域以胡杨为建群种的荒漠河岸林是我国及世界上胡杨分布最为集中的地区之一。

    Desert riparian forest dominated by Populus euphratica in Tarim River Basin is one of its centralized distribution areas at home and abroad .

  27. 分析了过度放牧对群落组成、生物量、物种多样性以及对建群种根茎中营养物质含量的影响等。

    The influence of over grazing on species composition , biomass , diversity and nutrient content in of the main communities were also analyzed .

  28. 第二阶段为演替的中级阶段,需8~13年时间,植物种数增减幅度大,建群种明显;

    The second stage may last 8 to 13 years , its characteristics is that species emerge or diminish sharply and has obvious constructive species ;

  29. 对重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库的研究表明,建群种早期和晚期的种子雨无活力;

    The study shows that the early and late seed rains of constructive tree species in evergreen broadleaved forest at Chongqing Simian Mountain had no activity .

  30. 以翅果油树为建群种形成的群落,是山西南部暖温带落叶阔叶林地带低山丘陵区的代表植被类型之一。

    The community composed of Elaeagnus mollis as the constructive species is one of the typical vegetation types in the hills and lower-mountains of southern of Shanxi .