
Study on the Investment Decision-making and Economic Evaluation Based on China Inner Financed BOT of Highway Project
This article shows that the option game theory is feasible and applicable in the domestic BOT of the power infrastructure projects .
System analysis for investment decision of engineering construction project
Study on Development Investment for Infrastructure Construction Base on the Real Options Analysis
The Research of Investment Decision in Constructing Project
Investment Decision Methods and Applications to Constructional Projects
Investment decision-making phase of construction projects plays a vital role in project success .
The paper systematically discusses the theory of the investment decision in constructing project .
The Problems and Suggestions of the Cost of Public Project Construction Projet Investment Decision-making at Present
So , at the stage of construction project investment decision , it is an inevitable request to put up risk investment analysis .
? Adapting two phases method , this paper makes the system analysis for whole process of investment decision of engineering construction project .
Emphatically analyzes the construction project investment decision-making stage , design stage , bidding stage , construction stage and complete settlement phase of engineering cost control points .
The economic evaluation for investment program of wall material production project must been enhanced in order to ensure the correctness of investment decision of new wall material project .
As the important base for investment decision-making of construction project , economic evaluation can make decision-making more scientific , standardized and efficient , and avoid or reduce the investment errors .
Finally , this thesis uses an actual electric power transformation project to put the investment decision-making system model into use , thus examining the applicability of this idea and model .
This thesis focuses on studying the investment decision-making problem of construction project . Models are set up to building the decision-making index system , ascertaining the index weights , researching the application of decision-making methods , and so on . Some important results are got .
Construction project decision-making is one of the important contents for enterprise operation and management . The appropriate investment decision is the chiefly guarantee to achieve the goals of enterprise , and it plays a critical role in increasing the profit and competitive power of enterprise .
Feasibility research is the basis of defining construction project investment decision , is the basis of construction unit financing and applying for loan from bank , is the basis of workout preliminary design , scientific research , the organization installing , technic transformation , production organizing of the project .
The production of the paper locates on rapid development , pattern maintenance , model base management , method base management and group decision-making of investment decision-making system , and has provided an advanced system model and feasible technology method to construct and develop the construction project decision-making support system .
Decision - making Process for the Selection of Investment Sites
Application of " prospective theory " in investment risk decision-making of construction projects
The investment decision-making stage of construction project cost impact of up to 95 % .
It will be a long time from the investment decision-making to the completion final accounts of construction project .
First , I divide the decision management into primary decision-making and final decision-making , and analyze the two phases .
The investment decision of electric powerconstruction projects is a complex decision-making system and it is also a multi-step and multi-state dynamic decision process .
How to make investment control has been discussed from the stages of investment decision , design and carrying out in construction project for a construction company .
At first , it divides the investment decision of engineering construction project into two phases & the initial decision phase and the final decision phase . After that , it analyses and studies this two phases one by one .
Based on the discussion how to control the construction cost in project 's investment decision stage , design stage , construction project let contract stage , construction implementation stage , some measures to control the cost of project are proposed .
Developments item investment control pierce through to make policy the stage , design stage with start construction stage of whole process .
Power construction projects set up multi-objective investment decision-making index system , using improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process , right Suizhong power plant investment decision-making was studied .