
  • 网络Jianzhou Jurchens;jurchens of jianzhou
  1. 摘要后金时期,建州女真对长白山地区进行了长期开发。这为建州女真的兴盛提供了经济基础。

    In Post-Jin period , the Nvzhen nationality in Fujian Province took an exploration in Changbai Mountain region , which offered economic basis to the prosperity of Fujian Nvzhen nationality .

  2. 经过迁徙,女真三大族群形成,以建州女真为核心形成的满洲部落统一了其它各部,最终取代了明王朝,重新登上中国历史舞台。

    After migration , the formation of the three ethnic Jurchen to statehood Jurchen tribes of Manchuria to form the core of unified the other ministries , eventually replaced the Ming Dynasty and re-boarded the stage of history in China .

  3. 这一时期的女真族通过迁徙,由原来的血缘氏族部落逐步发展到稳定的地域部族集团,在经过重新集结和组合之后,于明朝初年形成了建州女真、海西女真和野人女真三大族群。

    After migration Jurchen has changed from the original tribal progressive development of blood to the stability of the regional tribal groups , after re-assembly and combinations , Jurchen turn to be three large ethnic grope in the early Ming Dynasty .