- 名proposal;memorandum;letter of recommendation

Follow the discussion of adding generic types to Java code by reading the Java Community Process proposal , JSR-14 .
2 : When I got to the meeting in Chicago and opened my proposal , I found out Ryan had put the wrong proposal inside .
Arthur wants to put his recommendation before the board at a meeting tomorrow .
The wolves sent a deputation to the sheep with proposals for a lasting1 peace between them , on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death .
The XML Schema Recommendation has complete provisions for defining a document structure with namespaced elements and attributes .
Like other specifications for XML , the XML Namespaces Recommendation is published by the W3C .
Therefore , the XML Namespaces Recommendation also defines prefixes that are directly attached to names .
The XML Information Set Recommendation , which defines the meaningful parts of an XML document , also uses the term in the same way .
Furthermore , other W3C recommendations in the XML family use namespaces to distinguish what they define .
The XML Recommendation defines no element names , but describes two attributes that can be used in XML documents , xml : space and xml : lang.
Then the writer analyses the existing problems and user requirements in Proposal system that is used as a prototype .
The W3C recommendation allows for HTTP to provide a default style sheet that takes precedence over alternate style sheets .
XSLT and XML Schema are two cases in which an elaborate recommendation requires a full document to describe the transformation or data design , respectively .
The xmlns prefix has been specified by the first Namespaces in XML Recommendation to not have an associated URI .
Last month , the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issued a draft recommendation against taking calcium and vitamin D , saying there wasn 't enough evidence of benefit to justify the risk .
This Recommendation provides generic procedures for referencing the documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations .
Terminology Note : The XForms recommendation specifically notes that there is no singular form of XForms .
A Call for Proposals by the European Commission ( EC ) will include a specific objective related to innovative solid-state lighting ( SSL ) systems .
The declaration resembles an attribute , but most W3C recommendations consider it to be a separate type of node .
What CCSDS recommendation for AOS is and how AOS works are introduced in the first .
For example , the XSLT Recommendation and most books about XSLT use the prefix xsl to identify the elements of the XSLT vocabulary .
ZAP Jonway recommends that the proposals be sent by certified mail , return receipt requested .
If the sales business unit wants to prepare a response to a request for proposal ( RFP ), they can collaborate and work on different versions of a document in a library .
The calculated results are satisfied in interesting neutron energy fields , and the shape of the response curve agrees with H ( 10 ) curve in ICRP 74 report .
Main contents of Annex B to ICRP 60 recommendations are outlined and risk coefficient , tissue weighting factors and new annual limits for intake of radionuclides are discussed in this paper .
This thesis is actually a marketing strategy proposal for a Scottish official institute by Foundation College of China Scholarship Council .
The fourth time of violate the regulations , EHS section will give responsible for the item advice to terminate the contract , and cancel the pre-qualification of the contractor .
The referenced GEOPAK files are included electronically as part of this proposal .
The summation by ICRP 1990 Recommendations of the new scientific findings in the field of radiation protection will bring about a great influence on radiation protection work .
The method for the subjective assessment of quality of the TV Picture recommed by CCIR ( Rocommendation 500 - ⅰ) is used commonly .