
  • 网络Building Intelligent system
  1. 基于BAJA结构的建筑智能化系统集成的实现

    Implement of the Integration of BAJA Structure-based Building Intelligent System

  2. 本文首先简要概述了建筑智能化系统集成的相关内容,接着对课题主要技术WCF、Portal以及相关技术OPC、SSO等进行了深入研究。

    It begins with a brief overview of the related contents of building intelligent system integration , and then some deeply research was done on the subjects of WCF , Portal , OPC and SSO .

  3. 以开设建筑智能化系统综合实验和实现实验室智能化管理为目标,采用系统集成的方法构筑基于Intranet的建筑智能化系统综合实验平台。

    For performing comprehensive experiment of building intelligence systems and managing laboratory intellectually , this paper presented a comprehensive experiment platform based on the Intranet of laboratory .

  4. 建筑智能化系统功能集成的相关问题探讨

    Discussion on the Problems concerning Function Integration of Building Intelligent System

  5. 建筑智能化系统专业教学综合实验创新基地的研究与实践

    Comprehensive experiment and innovation base for specialty of building intelligence

  6. 舟山市行政中心主体建筑智能化系统方案设计

    Intelligent System Scheme Design for Main Buildings of Zhoushan Municipal Administration Center

  7. 建筑智能化系统的集成结构模式探讨

    An Exploring on Integrated Structure Mode for Building Intelligence System

  8. 第二章概述现有的建筑智能化系统集成技术与集成模式。

    Chapter two summarizes integration technique and pattern of building intelligent system .

  9. 建筑智能化系统节能综合评价

    Synthetic evaluation for energy efficiency in building intelligence system

  10. 目前建筑智能化系统往往只是各分系统或为子系统。

    At present , intelligent integrated system is merely subsystems or Port number .

  11. 建筑智能化系统工程及人才培养

    The Intelligent Building System Engineering and the Personnel Training

  12. 物业管理公司要通过建筑智能化系统对物业管理的支持,以及应用网络化、信息化和自动化等高新科技来促进和提升物业管理水平。

    The level of property management is improved through applying high technology management way .

  13. 南京中信大厦建筑智能化系统

    Building - intellectualizing System of Nanjing CITIC Mansion

  14. 建筑智能化系统工程设计标准

    Standard for design of building intelligent system engineering

  15. 建筑智能化系统的结构与集成

    Structure and Integration on Intelligent Building System

  16. 建筑智能化系统若干问题的思考

    Problems in Building - intellectualizing System

  17. 建筑智能化系统涉及到的子系统非常之多,设计人员针对各子系统的设计思路及侧重点均各不相同。

    Building intelligent systems involve the subsystem to so many designers in each subsystem , the design thought and emphases are different .

  18. 随着建筑智能化系统工程规模的扩大,技术的发展。

    With the development of Building Intelligent system technology and expansion of project scale , people pay more attention to the project management of the Building Intelligent System .

  19. 建筑智能化系统网络的安全要遵循最小权原则、多重性原则、最低成本原则及不断完善原则。

    The safety of the intelligence network of the building must be in accordance with the principles of minimum power , multi-sides , minimum cost and continuous perfection .

  20. 本文首先通过对建筑智能化系统集成的目的、模式和主流技术的研究,分析了当前建筑智能化系统集成存在的问题。

    On the basis of the study of the aim , model and mainstream technology of system integration of Intelligent Building , the thesis analyses the problems of the system integration of Intelligent Building now .

  21. 在简略论及建筑智能化系统的结构、集成要素的基础上,主要讨论了系统的功能集成,并针对当前存在的问题,提出了某些建议。

    On the basis of brief discussion on the structure and integrating elements of building intelligent system , this paper mainly deals with the system 's function integration and put forward some suggestions to the existing problems .

  22. 但是,目前国内建筑智能化系统中存在着设备型号各异、通信协议不同、系统开放程度不一等情况,导致了系统集成难度大、集成度低、通用性和扩展性差等问题。

    Currently , there are a lots of problems such as building intelligent systems different device models , communication protocols , systems with different degree of openness , etc. , that have led to a puzzle condition of system integration , versatile utility , and scalability .

  23. 研究表明,应用OPCXML集成技术可以提高各种建筑智能化应用系统互操作性,简化系统集成环境,在高层实现信息共享和交换,可以解决基于Internet的一体化集成的需求。

    OPC XML technology improve the interoperability of system , simplify the environment of integration , implement share and exchange of information , meet the demand of integrative integration based on Internet .

  24. 简述浙江省舟山市行政中心主体建筑的智能化系统方案设计。

    The paper briefly introduces intelligent system scheme design for main building of Zhoushan municipal administration center .

  25. 本文阐述了办公建筑各智能化系统的设计要点,提出各系统在办公建筑中的设置要求。

    The paper expounds the design point of intelligent systems for office buildings , and puts forward the setting requirements for each system in office building as well .

  26. 本文简述会展类建筑的智能化系统工程设计,描述了该类型建筑设置的智能化子系统及其主要功能。

    This paper gives a brief introduction on the intelligent system engineering design of exhibition buildings and describes the intelligent subsystems and its main functions that set in such buildings .

  27. 基于CIMS的建筑智能化工程的系统分析

    The System Analysis for Intelligent Building Based on CIMS

  28. 简单介绍了南京中信大厦建筑智能化工程的系统组成、功能及特点。

    Composition , functions and characters of building-intellectualizing project in Nanjing CITIC Mansion were introduced .

  29. 智能建筑与建筑智能化系统

    Intelligence Building and Building Intelligence System

  30. 通过综合的案例研究,证明,建筑智能化三大系统下的好多子系统都是相互依存的。

    Through the comprehensive case studies , it is proved that , a lot of the subsystem of the three systems of intelligent building are interdependence .