
  • 网络building science;Architectural Science
  1. 该部门还提供了一个在建筑科学的研究生学位。

    The department also offers a graduate degree in Building Science .

  2. 我国建筑科学技术的基本状况和展望

    Basic status and prospects of our country 's building science and technology

  3. 采用SWOT矩阵分析认识重庆市建筑科学研究院的优势和弱势,以及在行业范围内所面临的机会和威胁。

    Using SWOT matrix , the thesis analyzed the strength and weakness , opportunity and threat in the construction field .

  4. 以TU建筑科学标准文献为例探讨中国标准索书号的灵活编制

    Take TU construction technology standard literature as an instance to discuss Chinese standard search book mark 's agility weave

  5. 为此,中国建筑科学研究院PKPM工程部开展了烟囱CAD软件开发的课题。

    Therefore , PKPM department of China Academy of Building Research ( CABR ) put forward the project of developing CAD software on chimneys .

  6. 此外将本文所给收缩应变计算公式与ACI收缩公式、Trost收缩公式、中国建筑科学研究院收缩公式、王铁梦收缩公式进行分析比较,证明本文所给公式更适用于商品混凝土。

    Besides , the comparing and analyzing were proceeded both computing formula given by this paper and ACI formula , Trost formula , the Building Research Council of China formula and Wang Tie-meng formula , though which prove that the formula given by this paper was true of merchandise concrete .

  7. 瑞尔森大学通过其建筑科学部提供的未经认可的方案。

    Ryerson University offers unaccredited programs through its department of Architectural Science .

  8. 本课题是建筑科学研究院图形渲染软件项目的一个部分。

    Software developing program for China Academy of Building Research .

  9. 在建筑科学的学士学位课程探讨建造业的职业生涯。

    The undergraduate program in Architectural Science explores careers within the construction industry .

  10. 引用期刊论文主要归类于建筑科学和地震学;

    The cited periodical papers are to be classified in architecture science and seismology mainly .

  11. 《案例》:广东省建筑科学研究院

    SCIENCE Guangdong Architectural Scientific Research Institute

  12. 现任中国建筑科学研究院顾问总工程师。

    Now he holds the post of consultant chief engineer in China Academy of Building Research .

  13. 钱学森与建筑科学

    QIAN Xue-sen and architectural sciences

  14. 中国建筑科学研究院

    China Academy of Building Research

  15. 全国建筑科学研究所

    National Institute of Building Sciences

  16. 研究员、曾任中国建筑科学研究院总工程师、副院长。

    Researcher , once worked as the Chief Engineer and Vice-principal of China Academy of Building Research .

  17. 重庆市建筑科学研究院工程鉴定加固技术研究所

    Construction Appraisal & Reinforcing Institute

  18. 谈《中图法》第三版建筑科学类中存在的问题

    On Problems in Architecture Science in the Third Edition of the Classification of Books in Chinese Library

  19. 近年来经济与城市建设的发展,建筑科学的进步,许多新型结构不断出现。

    In recent years , in pace with economic and development of city construction , many new structures appeared constantly .

  20. 最后,以江苏省建筑科学研究院已进行的产权制度改革为实例,进行了实证分析。

    At last , this paper analyze and evaluate property rights reform practice of construction science academe in jiangsu province .

  21. 它在地球科学、材料科学、建筑科学、测量学及气象学等许多学科中都有广泛的应用。

    It has been used widely in many different subjects such as Geoscience , Material Science , Architectonics , Surveying and Meteorology .

  22. 建筑科学大部门也应划分成基础理论、技术科学和应用技术三个层次。

    The great department of architectural sciences should be divided into three levels as basic theory , basic sciences and applied technology .

  23. 关于生态设计的一次尝试&记上海市建筑科学研究院环境实验楼建筑设计

    On an Attempt to Make an Ecological Design Architectural Design of the Environmental Experiment Centre Building of Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design Research

  24. 《世界地震工程》作为建筑科学类核心期刊有较高的学术影响力和较强的理论性与实用性。

    As key periodical in architecture science , the " World Earthquake Engineering " has higher academic influence power , high theoretic value and practicability .

  25. 从2000年转轨开始至目前的这段转型期间,重庆市建筑科学研究院探索出了一些经营管理经验。

    Since it finished the innovation in 2000 , Chong qing Research Institute of Building Science ( CRIBS ) exploed some management experiences by itself .

  26. 建筑科学、经济科学和管理科学相互交叉并以管理科学为内核,形成工程管理的学科方向。

    Subject or project management is formed by interconnection and crossing of sciences ; architecture , economics and management ; and its kernel is management science .

  27. 在此基础上,为建筑科学研究院的软件开发系统设计并实现了一个函数库,主要功能为各种常用格式图象文件的读写、调整和缩放,并对大幅图象的浏览操作进行了特别优化。

    A function library is designed for image reading , writing , scaling and adjustment . The library is implemented and applied to the rendering software system .

  28. 本文叙述了拟动力试验的基本原理与试验方法,并介绍了中国建筑科学研究院结构所的联机系统和有关试验控制程序中的动力分析部分。

    This complex test system has been used for the test of a 12-storyed structural model in the Institute of Building Structures , China Academy of Building Research .

  29. 预应力混凝土空心方桩(以下简称空心方桩)是中国建筑科学研究院开发的一种较新的桩型(见附录A)。

    Prestressed spun concrete square pile ( simply named PS ) is a new type of piles developed by China Academy of Building Research ( attachment A ) .

  30. 建筑学是一门历史悠久的学科,至今已经发展成为一个介于数学、自然科学与哲学、社会科学之间的交叉学科门类&建筑科学。

    Architectonics , a subject with a long history , has formed the architectural science , which is a subcategory of interdisciplinary involving mathematics , natural science , philosophy and sociology .