
  • 网络building surveying
  1. 激光三维扫描技术用于古建筑测绘的研究

    Research on mapping of ancient architecture based on laser 3-dimension scanning technology

  2. 基于现代测绘技术的古建筑测绘方法研究

    Research of mapping methods of ancient construction on base of modern mapping technique

  3. 古建筑测绘成果的计算机数字图像表现

    Computer digital image expression of historic building mapping

  4. 古建筑测绘方法和技术的适用性和可靠性

    The Applicability and Reliability of the Methods and Technologies in the Measurement of Historic Buildings

  5. 历史性建筑测绘新技术

    The New Technology of Historic Architecture Surveying

  6. 他山之石,可以攻玉&四种建筑测绘新工具的介绍与比较

    " A Stone from Other Hills May Serve to Polish the Jade of This One " & The Introduction and Comparison of Four New Equipments for Surveying and Mapping Architecture

  7. 该方法在故宫的修复测绘中进行了大量的实验,取得了较好的效果,为古建筑测绘的数字化提供良好的平台。

    This method has been tested repetitiously in the mapping work for repair of the Forbidden City , got good effect , and provided good platform for digitalization of the mapping of ancient architecture .

  8. 传统的古建筑测绘以直尺和角尺、垂球等工具直接量取建筑物及其构件的尺寸,而获取的最终资料是“图样”(即图纸)和一些文字记录。

    In traditional ancient architecture mapping , the dimension of the architecture and its components is directly measured through the tools such as ruler or ruler with plummet , while the final acquired material is pattern ( also called drawing ) and some character record .

  9. 考古学与建筑遗产测绘研究同是调查与研究物质文化遗产,但是当今两者的境遇却不尽相同。

    Archaeology and survey and research of standing historic buildings are both for investigating and researching the material cultural heritage , but today they are not in the same situation in China .

  10. 建筑遗产的测绘活动,可视为一种信息采集、分析、处理、表达和管理活动。

    The practice of measured survey of architectural heritage can be considered as a process of information collecting , analyzing , presenting and managing .

  11. AutoCAD是一种通用的微机辅助绘图设计软件包,它具有高效的图形处理能力,被广泛应用于机械、建筑、电子、测绘等各个行业。

    AutoCAD is a common software kit used in Computer Assistant Design , it can conduct the picture efficiently and is widely used in the fields of machinery , architecture , electron , mapping .