
  • 网络Multimedia Computer;Multimedia Computing;MPC
  1. 基于Au1200~(TM)嵌入式处理器的车载多媒体电脑的设计开发

    The Design & Development of Vehicle-mounted Multimedia Computer Based on Au1200 ~ ( TM ) Embedded Processor

  2. 通过多媒体电脑技术,结合美学知识利用专业的制作软件,实现医学CAI课件的完美设计与外化。

    The combination of multimedia computer technology , art knowledge and professional software could realize the perfect design and production of CAI courseware .

  3. 多媒体电脑叫班系统的研究与开发应用

    Research and development of multimedia computer remote control dialogue communication system

  4. 创造音乐动画多媒体电脑卡的各种场合。

    Create musical animated multimedia computer cards for all occasions .

  5. 介绍了多媒体电脑空间的概念、现状及发展趋势。

    Gives the concept , present situation and developing trend of cyber-space .

  6. 使用多媒体电脑技术辅助外语教学可行性研究

    The Feasibility and Necessity of Using Multi-media Computer to Assist Foreign Language Teaching

  7. 音乐多媒体电脑系统为音乐教学改革提供了一个崭新的视角。

    Music multi-media computer system presents a new visual angle for music teaching reform .

  8. 多媒体电脑需要具有比主流电脑更强的能力,多媒体电脑决定了主流电脑的发展。

    Multimedia PC needs to be more powerful than mainstream computer -- at least the multimedia PC defines the mainstream .

  9. 安徽省引资分批建设中小学多媒体电脑教室情况概貌

    General Picture of Circs on Anhui Province Attracting Money to Construct Multimedia Computer Classroom at Middle and Grade Schools Group by Group

  10. 区别普通电脑和多媒体电脑的主要东西是声卡和只读光盘驱动器。

    Among contemporary PCs , about the only things that separate an ordinary computer from multimedia are a soundboard and a CD - ROM driver .

  11. 微软的10英寸平板电脑由刚刚发布的Windows8软件作支持,10月上市,而谷歌和亚马逊现在主导着7英寸平板多媒体电脑的市场。

    Microsoft 's 10-inch Surface tablet , powered by the just-launched Windows 8 software , went on sale in October , while Google and Amazon now dominate sales of smaller , 7-inch multimedia tablets .

  12. 近年来的大学英语教学改革中,越来越多的学校和教师已经开始将多媒体电脑运用于大学英语教学,特别是运用于听说技能的训练。

    In recent years ' ELT reforms , more and more colleges and teachers have started to apply multimedia computers to college English teaching , especially for the training of listening and speaking skills .

  13. 本文详细介绍了以多媒体电脑为硬件基础、以视窗98为操作平台而构成的电脑数码音频录制及广播电台节目自动播控系统。

    This article features a detailed introduction of a digital audio recording , and broadcasting system , which is based on Windows 98 as operation platform and Multimedia Personal Computers ( MPC ) as hardware .

  14. 随着多媒体电脑技术的应用与发展,外语教学迎来了新的机遇与挑战,外语教学工作者强烈地感觉到多媒体应用于教学的重要性与必要性。

    With the application and development of multimedia computer technologies , foreign language teaching sees its new opportunities and challenges . Foreign language teachers find it necessary and important to employ multimedia in their language teaching .

  15. 电子游戏与传统的游戏不同,它是以电子设施为传输渠道、以功能齐全的多媒体电脑和游戏机为收发工具、依靠电子技术连接起来的新型游戏。

    Electronic games and the traditional game is different , it is based on electronic facilities for transmission channel , to complete function multimedia computer and video game for sending and receiving tools , rely on electronic technology connected new game .

  16. 分别从硬件和软件两个角度出发,将笔者自己多年的经验和他人的观点进行结合,从根源上将多媒体电脑的日常使用和维护进行了详尽的论述。

    Two angles respectively set off from hardware and the software , self experience many years and others 's viewpoint carry out union with the author , General multi-media computer daily uses and defends detailed discussion having been in progress from origin .

  17. 浅谈普通高校多媒体教学电脑的维护

    About Multi-media Teaching Computer Maintenance in College

  18. 事实上有人就简单地认为多媒体是电脑和电视的结合。

    In fact , some people see multimedia simply as the marriage of PCs and video .

  19. 据华尔街邮报周一报道,苹果公司可能将于三月发售备受期待的多媒体平板电脑。

    Apple may ship its much awaited multimedia tablet device in March , according to a report in the Wall Street Journal on Monday .

  20. 在当今社会,对我们来说多媒体已不是一个陌生的名词,多媒体电脑、多媒体课件等概念已深入人心。

    In society in the nowadays , multi-media already is not a strange noun to us , concepts such as multi-media computer , multi-media class already is deeply rooted among the people .