
  • 网络Information application system;Information Technology Application System
  1. 大型灌区信息化应用系统分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Large-scale Irrigated Area Informationization Application System

  2. 随着信息技术的不断快速发展,许多企业和机构在日常业务中都引入了各类信息化应用系统。

    With the rapid development of information technology , many enterprises and public institutions have introduced various types of information application systems .

  3. 以计算机及网络为基础的IT建设在我国电子政务信息化应用系统中得到了广泛的应用。

    The computer and network-based IT infrastructure have a wide range of applications in the electric government affairs information system in our country .

  4. 以现代软件工程理论为指导,对应用系统的技术架构和集成方案进行了分析,提出了大型灌区信息化应用系统的技术架构和集成方案;

    Proposing the technology mode and integration project of LIAIAS based on the analyses to system , and the theory of software engineering has been used as guide .

  5. 为了满足智能电网建设的需求,供电公司快速推进电力设备升级改造,加速部署各种信息化应用系统。

    In order to meet the needs of smart grid construction , power supply companies are fast forwarding power equipment upgrades and deploying a variety of information application systems .

  6. 实践证明,石景山区教育城域网信息安全体系的建立,有效保障了教育信息化各项应用系统的正常运行,取得了良好的效果。

    Practice shows that Shijingshan educational network security system is established and effective protection of the education information system , achieved good results .

  7. 本文以云南城投集团的会员管理系统的研发作为载体,研究房地产行业的客户关系管理及信息化服务应用系统的设计与实现中各个阶段的解决方案。

    In this paper , Yunnan City Investment Group membership management system development as a carrier of the real estate industry , customer relationship management and information service application system design and implementation phases of the solution .

  8. IT架构规划及预算管理,管理IT支持团队,企业信息化管理,应用系统项目管理。

    Responsible for IT infrastructure designing and budget establishing , IT support team managing , corporate OA system and applied system project managing .

  9. 随着企业执行事务性工作的环境网络化、信息化,要求企业应用系统必须基于Web提供服务,能够跨平台、可重用、可扩展。

    With the implementation of transactional work in corporate network environment , information technology requires enterprise applications to Web-based services , cross-platform , and reusable , scalable .