
jiàn zhù xué shuò shì
  • Master of Architecture;master of science in architecture
  1. 贝聿铭出生于中国,1930年代移居美国。1948年,在哈佛大学获得建筑学硕士学位后不久,他受聘于威廉·泽肯多夫(WilliamZeckendorf),在泽肯多夫的公司齐氏威奈(Webb&Knapp)主持建筑设计工作。

    Pei , who was born in China and moved to the United States in the 1930s , was hired by William Zeckendorf in 1948 , shortly after he received his graduate degree in architecture from Harvard , to oversee the design of buildings produced by Zeckendorf 's firm , Webb & Knapp .

  2. 建筑学硕士学位研究生教育面临的问题与对策

    The Problems and Measures of the Architecture Master Degree 's Education

  3. 建筑学硕士生投身社会实践的问题与对策

    On the problem of the social practice of architecture postgraduate students and countermeasure

  4. 林璎曾就读于耶鲁大学,1981年获文学学士学位,1986年获建筑学硕士学位。

    Lin studied at Yale University , where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1981 and a Master of Architecture degree in 1986 .

  5. 他是澳洲政府数字设计创新活动的指导,现在正参与建筑学硕士课程的教学。

    He is an advisor for the Australian Government initiative for innovation in digital design and is currently engaged in a Masters Degree in Architecture .

  6. 学生一旦完成了所有的功课和作业,经院系允许后可以进入第二年的园林建筑学硕士课程,该课程是有职业资格认证的。

    It is possible for students who successfully complete the coursework to join the second year of the professionally accredited MA Landscape Architecture , with the approval of the Head of Department .

  7. 应征者须具有专业设计资质(美国注册建筑师优先),至少10年专业经验且获得建筑学学士或硕士学位。

    Candidates must be licensed design professionals ( US license preferred ) with a minimum of10 years professional experience and a Bachelor of Architecture or Masters Degree .

  8. 文摘:建筑学专业学位(硕士)的设立对于加速我国建筑学专业教育与国际接轨工作具有重要意义。

    Abstract : the establishment of master 's degree in architecture speciality is of important significance for speeding up Chinese architecture speciality education to establish contact with that of the world .

  9. 早年求学美国俄勒冈大学建筑系,并先后获得俄勒冈大学建筑学学士学位及俄勒冈大学建筑学硕士学位。

    He studied in the department of architecture in University of Oregon in the USA and got bachelor degree and master degree of architecture there .

  10. 1935年他来到美国,在麻省理工学院(1940年获建筑学学士)和哈佛设计生院(1946年获建筑学硕士)学习建筑。

    He came to the United States in1935 to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( B.Arch . 1940 ) and the Harvard Graduate School of Design ( M.Arch . 1946 ) .