
  • 网络department of architecture;Architecture Department;school of architecture
  1. 去年,我变成了一个建筑系的大学生。

    Last year , I became a Department of Architecture of the university .

  2. 东海大学建筑系教授;

    Professor , Department of Architecture , Tunghai University ;

  3. 在过去的两年中,让我倍感荣幸的是有一名武汉大学建筑系毕业生能够在MIT建筑与城市设计专业就读,他的名字是薛魁。

    For the past two years , it has been my privilege to have a graduate of a architecture program of Wuhan University as a student in our post-professional Architecture and Urban Program at MIT , Xuekui .

  4. 在阿斯彭理念节(AspenIdeasfestival)上,我听到了来自麻省理工学院(MIT)媒体实验室主管伊藤穰一(JoiIto)的精彩演讲:源于建筑系的这项倡议,旨在力推不同类型的研究人员和创业者相互切磋。

    At the Aspen Ideas festival , I listened to fascinating presentations from Joi Ito , head of the MIT Media Lab : this initiative , which grew out of the architecture department , aims to force different types of researchers and entrepreneurs to collide with each other .

  5. 场效应&建筑系馆交往空间的塑造

    The " Field Effect " & Shaping Space of Architecture Building

  6. 阶段性·专题性·整体性&东南大学建筑系三年级建筑设计教学实验

    Teaching Experiment of Architectural Design & Emphasizing Phase , Subject and Wholeness

  7. 论建筑系专业资料室的设置与管理

    The Setting up and Management of Special Reference Room in Architectural Department

  8. 谢菲尔德大学建筑系的可持续发展教育

    Sustainability education at the University of Sheffield School of Architecture

  9. 清华建筑系:四分之一世纪的记忆

    Architectural Department of Tsinghua University : Memory of a Quarter of One Century

  10. 并曾在淡江大学建筑系任教八年。

    Yen taught at the Architecture Department of Tamkang University for eight years .

  11. 我想听听你参观建筑系的事情。

    I want to hear about your architecture tour .

  12. 那时21岁的林璎还只是一个耶鲁大学建筑系的学生。

    Lin was a 21-year-old architecture major at Yale University at the time .

  13. 赫尔辛基理工大学建筑系

    The Faculty of architecture of Helsinki University of Technology

  14. 宁波大学建筑系教学实践

    Teaching Practice of Architecture Department in Ningbo University

  15. 你知道你是个建筑系学生,当

    You know you are an architecture student when

  16. 1927年,伊万·列奥尼多夫还是一个不曾显露才华的建筑系学生。

    In 1927 , Ivan Leonidov was an architecture student with everything to prove .

  17. 香港中文大学建筑系的学生们知道,他们无法找回已经丢失的东西。

    The Hong Kong architecture students know they can 't bring back what 's lost .

  18. 东北大学建筑系及其教学体系述评(1928-1931)

    Review of the Architecture Department of Northeastern University and Its Teaching System ( 1928-1931 )

  19. 英国剑桥大学建筑系的科研与研究生教学

    Scientific Researches and the Teaching Programme in Post graduate Studies of Architectural Department of Cambridge University

  20. 建筑系算得上一个令人满意的中间学科。

    Architecture was a happy medium .

  21. 东南大学建筑系四年级建筑设计教学研究

    Teaching Study on Architectural Design Course for the Four-year Class of Architectural Department in the Southeast University

  22. 目前他是贵校建筑系二年级研究生。

    He is now a second year graduate student in the Department of Architecture of your University .

  23. 场所精神之追求&华侨大学建筑系馆扩建设计

    Pursuit of Location Art ── On the Design of the Hall of Architecture , Overseas University Expansion Project

  24. 在大学时,黄景桢因为建筑系有开设风筝制作课而决定主修建筑。

    In college , Huang decided to major in architecture because that department offered courses in kite making .

  25. 建筑系的结构课程独具特点,无论从知识结构还是从观念上讲,它都是举足轻重的。

    Building structure course of architeture department is specialized and important in both knowledge combination and concept of architecture .

  26. 介绍了剑桥大学建筑系的主要科研内容及研究生培养的情况。

    The paper introduces the main content of scientific researches and postgraduate studies at the Architectural Department of Cambridge University .

  27. 该文追溯了美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑系百年来的发展。

    This article recalled the history and development of Architecture Department at University of Pennsylvania since one hundred yeas ago .

  28. 美国伯克利加利福尼亚大学建筑系硕士毕业,中国建筑师,建筑教育家。

    He graduated from the Department of Architecture , University of California , Berkeley , with a Master 's degree .

  29. 东北大学创办的建筑系是中国近代建筑教育史上第二个建筑系。

    The department of architecture set up by Northeastern University is the second architectural department in modern Chinese architectural education history .

  30. 这门课程融合建筑系和规划系的学生合作,要求个人设计和规划导则作为最后成品。

    The course integrates architecture and planning students in joint work and requires individual designs and planning guidelines as a final product .