
  • 网络master of engineering;MSE;mPM
  1. 美国国家技术大学(NTU)是世界著名的虚拟大学,与美国著名工科院校合作开展远程工程硕士教育已有20多年历史。

    National Technological University ( NTU ) in USA is a well-known virtual university in the world . It has been over 20 years for NTU to collaborate with some famous universities of Engineering in USA and offer programmes on Master of Engineering through distance mode .

  2. 工程硕士学位的设立与培养模式研究

    Research on degree establishment and training model of master of Engineering

  3. VBA将四川大学工程硕士学位论文MicrosoftOffice中的每一个应用程序都看成一个对象。

    VBA regards every application program in Microsoft office as a target .

  4. b.山坡地质量累计侵蚀退化评判模型.西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文(4)化强度。

    B. retrogression judging model of the quality of brae by accumulative-total corrosion .

  5. 他在获得马萨诸塞州立大学达特茅斯分校计算机电子与工程硕士学位后于2000年7月加入IBM。

    He joined IBM in July 2000 , after finishing his Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth .

  6. 他目前正在DukeUniversity攻读MBA,并拥有PurdueUniversity所颁发的电子和计算机工程硕士学位。

    He is currently pursuing his MBA from Duke University and holds a Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University .

  7. 实施TQM确保矿业工程硕士的培养质量

    Guarantee the Quality of Masters of Engineering in Mining by Adopting TQM

  8. 他拥有位于印度德里的印度理工学院(IndianInstituteofTechnology)设计工程硕士学位,在软件测试、产品开发和Web应用程序方面拥有10年经验。

    He holds a Master 's degree in Design Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi and has 10 years of experience in software testing and development of products and Web applications .

  9. 在此背景之下,结合工作实际,本文选择了中原油田销售分公司CNG市场开发及管理策略作为工程硕士论文的研究题目。

    Under this background , combining reality of work , I select CNG market development and management tactics of Zhongyuan Oil Field Sales branch as the topic for engineering master degree .

  10. 伯恩斯的母亲在自家的廉价公寓里替人看护小孩,靠着这点积蓄,她却把乌尔苏拉送进天主教学校,之后是纽约大学工学院(PolytechnicInstituteofNYU),直至进入哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)就读,并最终获得了机械工程硕士学位。

    With savings from a child-care service that she ran out of their tenement apartment , she sent Ursula to Catholic school and then Polytechnic Institute of NYU and Columbia University . Ursula got her Masters in mechanical engineering .

  11. 学校设有51个专业,有113个硕士学位授权点,另设MBA,MPA、工程硕士3个专业学位授权点,67个博士学位授权点,国家级重点学科7个,博士后流动站10个。

    The University has designed 51 undergraduate programs , 113 master 's degree programs with 3 discipline programs of MBA , MPA and engineering master , and 67 doctoral degree programs . It has 7 state key disciplines and 10 post-doctorate research stations .

  12. 有S4个本科专业,121个硕士授权点、43个博士授权点、16个工程硕士授权领域和工商管理硕士(MBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、高校教师专业学位授予权,并设有5个博士后流动站。

    The university now has 54 specialties for undergraduate studies , and it is entitled to confer master 's degrees in 121 programs , doctoral degrees in 43 programs , Engineering Master Degrees in 16 programs as well as the MBA program , MPA program , Normal Degree program for College Teachers and 5 post-doctoral centers .

  13. 工程硕士研究生教育质量保障体系研究

    The Study on the Education Quality Assurance Systems of Engineering Master

  14. 工程硕士培养及管理特点分析

    Analysis on Characteristics of Master of Engineering for Training and Management

  15. 工程硕士过程系统工程课程建设与探索

    Reconstruction and Reformation of Process System Engineering for Master of Engineering

  16. 2004年武汉大学建筑与土木专业工程硕士学位。

    Master of Architecture And Civil Environment Engineering , Wuhan University.2004 .

  17. 工程硕士培养质量的分析、思考与对策

    Analysis , Thoughts and Policies on the Education of Engineering Masters

  18. 新疆军区工程硕士订购式培养模式研究

    On Studies of Project Master Order-Mode Training in Xinjiang Military Region

  19. 试析工程硕士培养模式的基本特征

    On Basic Characteristics of the Programs for the Masters of Engineering

  20. 提升高校工程硕士培养质量途径探讨&基于思想政治教育的思考

    Discussion of Approaches to Promoting the Training Quality for Engineering Master Graduate

  21. 地方院校工程硕士研究生教育可持续发展初探

    Sustainable Development of Engineering Master Graduate Education in Local Colleges and Universities

  22. 工程硕士教育发展现状及其多元化质量观的重构

    The development of engineering master education and reconstruction of diversified quality philosophy

  23. 工程硕士论文(5)分析研究了车桥制动系统的调整原理与方法,提出了一种可用于生产过程的制动器间隙调整规范。

    The principle and method of adjusting axles braking system are studyed .

  24. 工程硕士专业学位研究生培养调查

    A Survey and Analysis of the Education of Master of Engineering Students

  25. ⑵寻求有效提高工程硕士研究生的毕业率的措施和办法;

    ⑵ Find methods to improve the graduation rate for MEng students ;

  26. 完善工程硕士培养过程确保培养质量

    Perfecting the Process and Ensuring the Quality of Cultivating Master of Engineering

  27. 工程硕士入学考试中如何应对英文概要的写作

    How to Write an English Summary in Matriculation of Master of Engineering

  28. 创新军事航天领域工程硕士培养的探索

    Research and Practice of Engineering Master Training in Innovative Military Aerospace Industry

  29. 关于军队工程硕士《决策支持系统》课程教学的思考

    Reflections on the Teaching of DSS for Military Engineering Master

  30. 工程硕士培养实践探讨

    Study on the Cultivation and Practice of Master of Engineering