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  • Net
  1. Java语言:升阳微系统在1995年专为网际网络发展的模块化对象导向程序语言。

    Java : Modular object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995 specifically for the Internet .

  2. IP地址:全名网际网络协议地址,在网际网络上,辨识计算机主机的专属数字。

    IP address : in full Internet Protocol address ; Number that uniquely identifies each computer on the Internet .

  3. GIF和JPEG是网际网络上最常采用的图形格式。

    GIF and JPEG are the most commonly used graphics formats on the Internet .

  4. 传输控制协议(TCP)是集合与重组资料封包的组件,网际网络协议(IP)则负责将封包送达正确的目的地。

    TCP is the component that collects and reassembles the packets of data , while IP is responsible for making sure the packets are sent to the right destination .

  5. HemalathaThiagarajan在数年前为人工智慧资料做网际网络查询时第一次发现“开放式课程计划”(OCW)。

    Hemalatha Thiagarajan first discovered OpenCourseWare several years ago during an Internet search for materials on artificial intelligence .

  6. 1995年NSFNET回归研究网络的角色,将网际网络的流量留给网络提供者传递,而不用国家科学基金会的超级计算机。

    In1995 the NSFNET reverted to the role of a research network , leaving Internet traffic to be routed through network providers rather than NSF supercomputers .

  7. 全球信息网在网际网络的基本主从式架构中运作。

    The Web operates within the Internet 's Basic client-server architecture .

  8. 电话系统也是进入网际网络的重要途径。

    Telephone systems are also a primary access route for the Internet .

  9. 《联合早报》高瞻远瞩,不失时机地上了网际网络。

    Lianhe Zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the internet .

  10. 今年,好几家中国的网际网络公司也将在国外上市。

    Several China-based Internet companies will be going listed abroad later this year .

  11. 传输控制协议/网际网络协议

    Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol TCP / IP

  12. 集团别出新裁的,是它开创了不同的电脑销售途径&通过网际网络。

    Rather , it created a different way of marketing computers & through the Internet .

  13. 网际网络:公众存取的计算机网络,由来自世界各地许多较小的网络连接而成。

    Internet : Publicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks from around the world .

  14. 全球信息网:网际网络主要的信息交换服务。

    World Wide Web ( WWW ): or Web ; Leading information-exchange service of the Internet .

  15. 网际网络服务提供者还会帮企业设置网站的主机,以及建立自己的网站。

    ISPs can host Web sites for Businesses and can also Build the Web sites themselves .

  16. 浏览器:能让计算机用户在网际网络上寻找并检视信息的软件。

    Browser : Software that allows a computer user to find and view information on the Internet .

  17. 新加坡的主要媒体报章,广播和电视都已经上了网际网络。

    Major media players in Singapore like the press , radio and television have all gone on-line .

  18. 网际网络风行全球以来,英文一直是网上占主导地位的语言。

    Ever since its debut worldwide , English as the chief medium of communication has dominated the Internet .

  19. 网际网络服务提供者:提供给个人或机构网际网络联机与服务的公司。

    Internet service provider ( ISP ): Company that provides Internet connections and services to individuals and organizations .

  20. 宽频电信线路的类型,特别是用于连接网际网络服务提供者到网际网络的基础设施。

    Type of Broadband telecommunications connection used especially to connect Internet service providers to the Internet 's infrastructure .

  21. 1988年由于网际网络中继聊天协议的发展,在网络上实时交谈成为可能。

    In 1988 real-time conversation over the network became possible with the development of Internet Relay Chat protocols .

  22. 最后,本文将研究狄更斯于网际网络上以不同形式出现的现象,并解读其在媒体整合中所代表的意义。

    The final analysis concentrates upon Dickens 's works in the cyberspace , monitoring his afterlife in this cutting-edge medium .

  23. 数据网络课程包含多重存取、可靠的封包传输、路由及网际网络通讯协定。

    The study of data networking includes multiple access , reliable packet transmission , routing and protocols of the internet .

  24. 学员们学完课程后会获知新的辞汇,并且准备好在计算机和网际网络上做更长远的探索。

    Students leave this course armed with a new vocabulary and equipped for further exploration of computers and the Internet .

  25. 1997年时网际网络上有1000万个以上的主机,注册的域名超过100万。

    By 1997 there were more than 10 million hosts on the Internet and more than 1 million registered domain names .

  26. 因为客户可以在网际网络上,直接指明他所需要的规格。

    This is because the consumer can order his computer through the Internet by indicating his own specifications for the product .

  27. 新加坡因此必须支持海上、空中以至于网际网络上能自由通行。

    Singapore must therefore support the freedom of navigation at sea , in the air , as well as on the Internet .

  28. 「网际网络」、「电子邮件」、「新兴网络公司」等字,在法文及其它语言中已经普遍使用。

    Words like " Internet ," " email ," and " start-up " are already commonly used in French and other languages .

  29. 电子商务:借着网际网络或其它电子网络来进行企业对消费者或企业对企业的商业活动。

    E-commerce : in full electronic commerce ; Business-to-consumer and Business-to-Business commerce conducted by way of the Internet or other electronic networks .

  30. 这些网际网络股是不是郁金香,应留给后人去评定,可是却有迹象显示有过热的情况。

    Whether these are really ' Internet tulips ' remain to be seen . However there are tell-tale signs that the buying is overdone .