
yīng dāng
  • should;must;naturally;bear;ought to;duty-bound
应当 [yīng dāng]
  • (1) [ought to;should;must]∶应该

  • 你应当照料你自己

  • (2) [bear]∶承当;应付

  • 次日,杨雄自出去应当官府。--《水浒传》

应当[yīng dāng]
  1. 新贸易协定应当会加快经济发展。

    The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth .

  2. 有三分之二的人认为总统应当辞职。

    Two out of three people think the President should resign .

  3. 投票权应当是人人享有的合法权利。

    The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all .

  4. 对孩子表达自我的尝试,你应当加以鼓励。

    You should encourage your child 's attempts at self-expression .

  5. 她一生从未受到过评论家应当给她的赞扬。

    In her day she never received the critical acclaim she deserved .

  6. 就是对智力最平庸的人来说,这也应当是非常明了的。

    This should be clear even to the meanest intelligence .

  7. 你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。

    You should know better than to behave like that .

  8. 父母应当参与孩子的教育。

    Parents should involve themselves in their child 's education .

  9. 肤色白皙的人应当避免穿浅色衣服。

    People with pale complexions should avoid wearing light colours .

  10. 这是最应当得到帮助的一户人家。

    This family is one of the most deserving cases .

  11. 这建议不应当直接就被摒弃。

    The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand .

  12. 他们应当停止从油轮上往海里倾倒废弃物。

    They should stop offloading waste from oil tankers into the sea .

  13. 水泥应当具有湿沙的坚实度。

    The cement should have the consistency of wet sand .

  14. 你在行动之前应当考虑到别人。

    You should consider other people before you act .

  15. 我们应当尽力帮助那些不幸的兄弟姐妹。

    We should do all we can to help our less fortunate brethren .

  16. 公众应当留心这种疾病的症状。

    The public should be on the lookout for symptoms of the disease .

  17. 我应当指出,这些画中没有一幅是真迹。

    I should point out that not one of these paintings is original .

  18. 她本周休假,这完全是应当的。

    She 's having a well-earned rest this week .

  19. 管理部门应当为他们的行动说出个道理来。

    It rests with management to justify their actions .

  20. 借款人应当慎重考虑之后再行借贷。

    Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan .

  21. 雇员应当十分熟悉应急措施。

    Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures .

  22. 提拔一个人应当看业绩,还是看资历?

    Should promotion be based on merit or seniority ?

  23. 解决这一纠纷应当是人力所能及的事。

    It should not be beyond the wit of man to resolve this dispute .

  24. 我们不应当把学生培养成不敢批评的唯唯诺诺的人。

    We should not be producing compliant students who do not dare to criticize .

  25. 这件事我们应当坐下来一起认真讨论一下。

    This is something that we should sit down and discuss as a team .

  26. 她认为人应当尽量活得充实。

    She believes in living life to the max.

  27. 至关紧要的是,我们应当采取行动制止破坏雨林。

    It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests .

  28. 我认为你应当给我们一个解释。

    I think you owe us an explanation .

  29. 防盗警报应当由专业人员安装。

    The burglar alarm should be professionally installed .

  30. 总统应当置身于政党政治之上。

    The President should stand above party politics .