
  • 网络teaching theory;pedagogy;Teaching Methodology;didactics;didactic
  1. 在教学论视野中,活动理论有其独特的发展历史。

    In the view of didactics , the activity theory has its own unique developing history .

  2. 教学论中的几个问题

    On Several Questions in the Didactics

  3. 通过问卷调查法,对基于Moodle的信息技术教学论课程的实际应用情况进行了调查分析。

    Through questionnaires , the practical application of Moodle-based IT Pedagogy curriculum was investigated and analyzed .

  4. 基于现代教学论的普通物理实验改革探索

    Reform of the General Physics Experiment Based on Modern Teaching Theory

  5. 生物学教学论的学科性质、地位和内容体系探讨

    The Course Nature , Position and Content System of Biology Pedagogy

  6. 中国教学论学科的当代形态及发展路径

    Contemporary Patterns and Developmental Route of Instructional Theory Subject in China

  7. 分化与综合:当代教学论发展过程中的重要特征

    Analysis & Synthetism : Important Features of Contemporary Pedagogics in Development

  8. 试论现代教学论的生长点及其实质

    On the Growing Point and the Nature of Modern Pedagogical Theory

  9. 高职英语分层教学论

    On the Multi & Level English Teaching of Vocational College Students

  10. 研究性学习在《化学教学论》课程中的实践与研究

    Practice of and Studies on Research-oriented Learning in Chemistry Instructional Theories

  11. 现代教学论阐释兴论新释

    An Explanation of the Modern Didactics A New Interpretation of Inspiring Theory

  12. 另外对学业不良的形成机制进行了教学论分析和归因分析。

    Moreover , the mechanism of underachievement upon instruction theory was discussed .

  13. 从当前作文教学论段式作文训练法

    On the Passage-style Training Method of Composition from the Present Composition Teaching

  14. 语文教学论课程忽视实践性教学成因分析

    Analysis of Causes Disregarding Practice Teaching in Chinese Pedagogical Curricula

  15. 柏林教学论模式在德国具有很大的影响力。

    The Berlin Pedagogy Mode was very influential in Germany .

  16. 浅议课改背景下《学科教学论》课程的变化

    Changes of the Course On Subject Teaching in Curriculum Reform

  17. 家教:一个教学论边缘的实际问题

    Home Tutoring : a Practical Problem at the Edge of Teaching Theory

  18. 听障学生美术专业创作课教学论

    On creative course of art speciality of deaf - student

  19. 用现代教学论的观点谈谈学校体育教学的改革

    On Reform of School Physical Education with Modern Teaching and Learning Theory

  20. 职业教育专业教学论初探

    A Study of the Specialized Teaching Theory on Vocational Education

  21. 生物教学论中多媒体教学软件的研制与开发

    Manufacture & Development of Multi-Medium Teaching Software of Biology-Teaching Theory

  22. 改革化学教学论实验培养学生创新能力

    Reforming Experiment Teaching in Chemical Pedagogy , Fostering Students ' Innovative Ability

  23. 主要考察了建构主义的基本理论和教学论主张。

    It is mainly about the basic theory and the constructivist teaching .

  24. 生长点是教学论发展的关键问题。

    Growing point is the key to the development of pedagogical theory .

  25. 教学论基本问题的历史演变和当代走向

    The Historical Evolution and Contemporary Trend of Essential Issue in Teaching Theory

  26. 当代教学论是对现代教学论的综合与发展;

    Present age teaching theory is synthesis and development of modern teaching theory ;

  27. 现象学对学科教学论的意义

    Meaning in the Teaching Theory of Discipline in Phenomenon

  28. 现代教学论发展趋势探析

    Research on the Developing Trend of Modern Instruction Theory

  29. 语文新课改视野下结构主义教学论的价值探询

    Inquiring the Value of Constructivism Teaching in the View of Chinese Curriculum Reform

  30. 转型:走出语文教学论课程的困境

    Transformation : Stepping out of the Predicament of the Teaching of Chinese Methodology