
yìnɡ biàn fèn liànɡ
  • Strain component;components of strain
  1. 首先,根据压电方程推导了在非接触测量方式下,电压表测量电压和结构表面应变分量之间的关系式,并对购置的PVDF压电薄膜进行了标定实验。

    First , the relationship between the measured potential on the PVDF film and the strain components on the structural surface was deduced from the piezoelectric constitutive law under the non-contact condition . Then calibrating experiments of the PVDF film are carried out .

  2. 利用3期GPS观测结果,通过对位移速率和应变分量的分析,初步得到以下基本认识贝加尔湖地区目前整体上处于拉张状态,拉张速度约为4.5±1.2mm/a,拉张方向为NW-SE方向;

    We carry on analysis on the velocities and strains derived from three campaigns of GPS observations , and draw preliminary conclusions . Baikal Lake is generally in the state of extension and extensional velocity is about 4.5 ± 1.2 mm / a , with the direction of NW-SE .

  3. 有初始几何缺陷的一般壳体的非线性应变分量公式

    Nonlinear Strain Components of General Shells with Initial Geometric Imperfections

  4. 三维光塑性中的应变分量的分解

    The separation of strain components in three dimensional photoplasticity

  5. 进而探讨了应力强度因子对于非局部各个应变分量的影响。

    Furthermore , the effects of the stress intensity factors on all strain components at crack tip are investigated .

  6. 讨论由物体边界位移的测试值作为投影值来重建物体内部应变分量的双重迭代代数方法。

    Double iterative technique is proposed for reconstructing internal strain components of a body from the projections of boundry value of displacement .

  7. 基于对较高精度的砂土扭剪试验成果的分析,表明砂土的剪胀是由一个完全可逆的体应变分量和一个不可逆的体应变分量构成的。

    The volumetric strain due to stress dilatancy of sand is found to be composed of a reversible dilatancy component and an irreversible dilatancy component .

  8. 基于一系列T形焊接接头的数值试验,提出了角焊缝固有剪切应变分量的双抛物面分布模型。

    This paper put forward double paraboloid distribution model of ε( superscript I subscript xy ) basing on a series of numerical experiments on T-joints .

  9. 由得到的节点位移结合有限元理论计算出节点的应变分量,最后给出了两种典型硅藻土试样表面的最大剪应变场。

    With the obtained node displacement and based on the finite element theory , the strain component and the maximum shear strain field was calculated .

  10. 首先介绍了广义塑性力学的加卸载准则,该准则能准确判断各应变分量的加卸载状态,可以方便地应用于数值分析。

    The loading-unloading criteria in the generalized plastic mechanics are discussed firstly , which can be easily used to estimate loading-unloading stale of component stain in numerical analysis .

  11. 壳体的非线性应变分量是非线性壳体力学的基础,在壳体的稳定以及各种大变形问题中须要用到它们。

    The nonlinear strain components of shells are the foundations of the nonlinear shell mechanics . They are used in the stability and various large deformation analyses of shells .

  12. 设计一种涵盖所有三角形形状的方法,计算分析了用三角形法计算应变分量精度的分布。

    A method covering all of different triangle shapes is designed and the distributions of the precisions of strain components are obtained in the cases of different triangle shapes .

  13. 本文采用塑性应变分量的分部屈服概念,提出了适用于增量法计算的分部屈服加载准则;

    This paper , adopting the Concept of divitional yield of plastic strain components , proposes a loading criterion of divitional yield , which is suitable for incremental numerical method .

  14. 而当三角形形状因子小于0.1时,计算得到的应变分量均方差会陡然增大,这样的三角形一般不适合用于应变分量的计算。

    If the shape factor less than 0.1 , the standard deviations of strain components obtained will increase considerably and then these triangles are not suitable for calculating the strain components .

  15. 本文提出四层以上弹性层状体系各个应力、应变分量的简易计算法,可供柔性路面设计之用。

    This paper presents a simple method of calculating various stress and strain components in a four-layered or more elastic layered system , which can be used in flexible pavement design .

  16. 研究表明:当三角形形状因子达到0.36时,计算得到的应变分量均方差,一般不会超过位移数据均方差的3倍;

    The study shows that if the shape factor larger than 0.36 , the standard deviations of strain components obtained will be less than three times of the standard deviation of displacement ;

  17. 该模型具有可较好地考虑应力主轴循环旋转效应以及对不同条件下各应变分量及体应变的发展过程进行合理模拟的能力。

    The obvious advantage of the constitutive model is confirmed by the reasonable prediction of the developments of strain components and volumetric strain in various conditions including principal stress axes rotation . 3 .

  18. 对于热机械疲劳过程中塑性应变分量中的时间相关部分(蠕变)和非时间相关部分(纯塑性变形)应当分别进行考虑,才能对该合金的热机械疲劳行为有更加准确的认识。

    To reveal the thermal-mechanical fatigue mechanism more clearly , the time-dependent component ( Creep ) and time-independent component ( pure plastic deformation ) of the inelastic component should be taken into account separately .

  19. 该方法将角焊缝处固有剪切应变分量的修正近似值作为焊接结构的初始应变,施加在有限元模型相应的角焊缝区域,通过线弹性分析预测角焊缝焊接结构的角变形效应。

    For this method , the corrected approximation of inherent shear strain is exerted to the fillet weld zone as initial strain of the welded structure and angle distortion is predicted by elastic analysis .

  20. 引入三角形内切圆半径与外接圆半径之比值作为三角形形状因子,讨论利用三角形法计算应变分量的精度与三角形形状因子之间的关系。

    In this paper , the shape factor of a triangle is defined as the ratio of interior radius to exterior radius of the triangle . The relationship between the precisions of strain components calculated by the triangular method and the shape factor are studied .

  21. 从非线性三维连续介质力学的应变分量公式出发,参阅其他文献,总结了具有初始几何缺陷的旋转薄壳的非线性应变分量公式。得到了用于旋转薄壳的应变&位移关系。

    Started from the equation of strain sector for nonlinear 3-D continuous medium mechanics , referring to other literature , such equation of rotating thin shell with initial geometrical imperfections is summarized and the strain-displacement relationship which can be used in rotating thin shell is obtained .

  22. 未知主应力方向时,应粘贴相互成45°的3个应变片测其应变分量并换算成主应变。

    When the main stress direction was not known , three strain chips each other are attached in 45 ° angle , the local strain variable can be measured and is converted into the main strain variable .

  23. 在模型中,剪胀体应变由一个可逆的体应变分量和一个不可逆的体应变分量构成。

    In this model the volumetric strain due to stress-dilatancy for a granular material is composed of reversible and irreversible dilatancy components .

  24. 该方法将单元模态应变能分解为拉压、扭转和弯曲模态应变能,利用单元的主要模态应变能分量与结构固有频率的改变量对结构裂纹位置进行识别。

    In the method the modal strain energy of an element is divided into tension modal strain energy , torsion modal strain energy and bending modal strain energy .

  25. 该方法以实测的应变计响应作为输入,通过一个循环塑性模型计算测量点的弹塑性应力应变分量,然后用多种多轴临界面疲劳损伤模型计算寿命。

    The method accepts measured time histories from strain guage rosettes as inputs , calculates the elastic plastic stresses and strains using a cyclic plasticity model , and then estimates the fatigue life from several critical plane damage models .