
  • 网络Take me away;Take Me Out;walk me out of here
  1. 带我离开这儿好吗带我走

    Please take me away from this ! Take me away !

  2. 你能带我离开这儿吗?还不行。

    You can take me away from here ? Not yet .

  3. 给我松绑带我离开这里!

    Cut me loose ! You can 't leave me here !

  4. “带我离开这里吧。”阿拉丁回答道。

    " Take me out of here . " Aladdin answered .

  5. 能带我离开这里么?

    Please , can you help me get out of here ?

  6. 带我离开这里,好吗?

    Come away with me form her , will you ?

  7. 我想你带我离开那个地方。

    I want to leave that place with you .

  8. 带我离开这个火坑吧

    and get me the hell out of here .

  9. 求你别带我离开

    Please ! Please don 't make me go !

  10. 假如可以,请带我离开!

    If can , please take I leave !

  11. “带我离开这个地方吧。”

    Take me away from this place . '

  12. 我说过,我不会让你们带我离开监房的!

    Like I said , you are not getting me out of this cell !

  13. 带我离开球场公园。

    Take me out to the ballpark .

  14. 我的刀锋战士会从城市的一条暗道带我离开。我的刃队员会从城里的一条暗道带我离开。

    My Blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route .

  15. 带我离开这里!-

    Get me out of here ! -

  16. 快带我离开这个地狱。

    Get me out of this hell .

  17. 你也早已认识我,当你带我离开母亲时。

    You have known me since the days when you came to take me from my mother .

  18. “请带我离开这个地方,”阿拉丁回答。“我想要回家。”

    " Please get me out of this place ," replied Aladdin . " I want to go home . "

  19. 我是漂亮的公主,而你要来带我离开这一切,对吗?

    And I 'm a beautiful princess and you 're going to take me away from all this , right ?

  20. 为了帮助我康复,我祖母带我离开我父母居住的芝加哥,到气候更温暖的新奥尔良的我祖父母家中。

    To help me regain my health , my grandmother took me from Chicago , where I had been living with my parents , to the warmer climate of New Orleans , where she and my grandfather had their home .

  21. 听好,我要带我女儿离开这儿。

    Okay , I 'm taking my daughter out of here .

  22. 我要带我儿子离开

    I 'm getting my son and I 'm going .

  23. 我要带我女儿离开这里。

    I 'm taking her out of here .

  24. 悲伤路过爱情的身边,于是爱情乞求道:“悲伤,带我一起离开这里吧。”

    Sadness was close by so Love asked , " Sadness , let me go with you . "

  25. 是因为他没带着我一起离开

    I was pissed because he didn 't take me with him .

  26. 不是这样的,妈妈。去年爸爸带我去过秦皇岛离开过北京啊!

    Mom I have been out of the Beijing before dad took me to Qinhuangdao last year !