
  • 网络It's a bit sweet;sweetish
  1. 豆荚中包含有小豆和有点甜的可食用的果肉;通常被用作动物饲料或巧克力替代品的原料。

    Long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp ; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute .

  2. 东村壁画冰激凌店(FrescoGelateria)的希腊裔店主用漂亮的淡羊乳酪无花果冰激凌来向自己的祖籍致敬,羊乳酪的松软以及份量刚刚好的蜂蜜和无花果让这款冰激凌有点甜,却不是很甜。

    The Greek owners of Fresco Gelateria , in the East Village , honor their roots with a beautifully light goat cheese fig gelato , with the fluffiness of goat cheese and just enough honey and fig to approach rather than fully embrace sweetness .

  3. 它很香而且有点甜。

    It 's fragrant and has a sweet taste .

  4. 苍蝇尝起来有点甜。

    Flies tast actually a little bit sweet .

  5. 这个是不是有点甜?

    Is this a kind of sweet ?

  6. 这是一种新奇的饮品体验,只是对我的口味来说有点甜了。

    it was somewhat of a drink experience . Just a little too sweet for my taste .

  7. 这甜点心对我来说有点太甜了。

    The dessert was a bit sweet for my liking .

  8. 对,有一点甜,很像,嗯——

    Joey : Yeah , it 's kinda sweet , sort of like , uh -

  9. 克里莓酒稍有点偏甜,但我想我可以喝下整杯酒。

    It 's a little sweeter but I think I could drink the whole Kerry Berry .

  10. 山里空气新鲜,有点淡淡的甜。

    The air in the mountains is fresh and sweet .

  11. 我非常喜欢米的那部分!有点酸,有点甜,像初恋的感觉。

    I like the rice part so much ! little sour and a little sweet , like the feeling of first love .

  12. 你可以尝出菜里面有辣椒,不过味道有点甜。

    You can taste the chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet .

  13. Navitas的无糖可可粒味道有点浓,加糖可可粒又有点太甜了,折中一下倒是不错。

    Navitas 's unsweetened nibs were a bit intense and the sweetened ones were a bit too sweet ; a half-and-half mixture of the two was just right .

  14. 糖好像有点放多了在这个甜点里,所以让它吃起来有点太甜了。

    There 's a bit too much sugar in the dessert , which makes it a bit too sweet