
  • 网络signed;tape symbol
  1. 通常支持的类型有整数、Boolean、ASCII字符串、双精度带符号浮点数、日期时间、集合、列表、属性。

    In general supported types are Integer , boolean , ASCII string , double-precision signed floating point number , date-time , set , list , properties .

  2. 转换成带符号子句的多值逻辑推理方法

    Multi-value logical reasoning method for transformation to signed clauses

  3. Solinas给出了整数对的最优带符号二进制表示,称做联合稀疏表示(JSF)。

    Solinas suggested an optimal signed binary representation for pairs of integers , which is called a Joint Sparse Form ( JSF ) .

  4. 尾数一般是一个23位的不带符号的整数&它非常简单。

    The mantissa is basically a23-bit unsigned integer & simple enough .

  5. 三维带符号的欧氏距离变换及其应用

    Three Dimensional Signed Euclidean Distance Transform and Its Applications

  6. 基于角度权伪法矢量的带符号距离计算

    Signed Distance Calculation Based on Angle Weighted Pseudonormal

  7. 这种新算法是基于带符号数的复数运算(类似于二进制数的综合算术)。

    The algorithm is based on complex number operating of signed-digit ( binary-like complex arithmetic ) .

  8. 一种优化的从左向右的带符号编码方案

    A Optimal Left-to-right Signed Recording Technique

  9. 首先,表示指数的8位应该是从-128到127,就像带符号的字节一样。

    First , eight bits for the exponent should represent-128 to127 , just like a signed byte .

  10. 带符号十进制数码位数的扩展和压缩及补码的加减法运算

    The Expansion and Compression of the Decimal Numeral Digit with Symbol and the Operation of Add and Minus

  11. 二进制加减,全加器的实现和性能,高速加法,带符号加法。

    Binary Addition and Subtraction , Implementation and Performance of the Full Adder , High-speed Addition , Signed Arithmetic .

  12. 首先,设计基于带符号阶乘展开式的椭圆曲线标量乘和多标量乘算法。

    Firstly , based on the signed factorial expansions , . the fast algorithms for scalar multiplication and multi-scalar multiplication on elliptic curves are presented .

  13. 该文提出了布尔剪枝方法,将带符号的公式与集合的上集/下集联系起来,使含量词的一阶多值逻辑公式的扩展规则大大简化。

    A Boolean pruning method is proposed in this paper . Tableau rules for such quantifiers can be simplified by providing a link between signed formulas and upset / downset in Boolean set lattices .

  14. 带重音符号的字符通常都是以一种特殊的方式处理;有些语言会将两个字符的特定序列视为一个字母进行排序(比如,捷克语和传统西班牙语中的ch)。

    Characters with accents are usually treated in a special way ; some languages treat selected sequences of two characters as one letter for sorting ( for example , ch in Czech and traditional Spanish ) .

  15. 带赋值符号迁移图的局部优化算法

    Local optimization algorithms for symbolic transition graphs with assignment

  16. 带项目符号的文本对于编写有效用例几乎毫无作用。

    Bulleted text is often a poor mechanism for writing effective use cases .

  17. 主要结果有:1.提出基于带赋值符号迁移图的网络协议建模框架。

    The main contributions are : 1 . A compositional framework is proposed for modeling network protocols using symbolic transition graphs .

  18. 其信息综合分析单元采用带自定义符号元素和语法规则的逻辑表达式实现,用特定的表达式解析器进行解析,完成对启动信号的综合分析与判断。

    The information processing units are implemented with logic expressions with user defined symbols and semantic rules to accomplish analysis and measure of initiating signals .

  19. 组件式海岸带地形图符号库的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Symbol Database of Coastal Zone Topographic Map

  20. 对并发传值系统进行模型检测需要建立相应的抽象模型,带赋值的符号迁移图是一种广为使用的抽象模型。

    To model check a value-passing concurrent system , an abstract model must be constructed , and Symbolic Transition Graphs with Assignment is such an abstract model .

  21. 根据符号点阵创建并训练网络,使网络达到稳定状态,用随机带噪声的符号测试训练的网络。

    Lattice under the symbol creation and training network , the network reaches a steady state , the symbol of random noise test with the training network .

  22. 当时电视主持人在金属地图上摆弄带吸铁石的符号:点状物代表下雨,星号代表下雪,用线条标记大气压同等的地区。

    Back then , TV presenters slid magnetic symbols around a metal map : dots for rain , asterisks for snow , lines to mark off areas of equal pressure .

  23. 单击格式工具栏上的编号或项目符号按钮,可以创建带编号或项目符号列表。

    A New Method of the Container Codes ' Localization and Character Segmentation To create a numbered or bulleted list , click the Numbering or Bullets button .

  24. 最后,利用组件技术,设计完成了符合最新海岸带地形图图式标准的海岸带地形图符号库。

    At last , according to the newest coastal zone topographic map standard , the author designs the coastal zone topographic map symbol database with COM .

  25. 实现了空间数据的结构化存储、空间数据的无缝拼接和符合最新布实施的海岸带地形图图式标准的组件式海岸带地形图符号库,是本文的三大特点。

    The thesis has three characters that realizing structural storage spatial data , seamless join of spatial data and designing coastal zone topographic map symbol database according to the coastal zone topographic map standard of newest .