- 网络Density;density function;pdf

Two examples are analysed in order to show the advantage of the pdf methods .
In the fit , the two dimensional mass fit merged with time-uncertainty PDF is used to calculate the fraction of signal or backgrounds in the PDF for each of events .
Local uniformly convergence of density function of the k-th maxima on independent random sequences
Well , it depends on what you know about the measurements'probability density function ( PDF ) .
Analyzing regional density functions and growth patterns in China with a GIS-based method delineating influential regions of cities
The Rate of Uniformly Asymptotic Normality for Probability Density Estimator under Negatively Associated Samples
Modified SVM in the estimation of density function
Conditional PDF of Hidden Variable for Factor Analysis Based on EM Algorithm
The undetermined parameters of the polynomial and the probability density function can be determined by the first n moments of the stress variable .
Residence time distribution for sugar hydrolysis reaction in a contineous flow stirred tank reactor was m : asured by pulse input method .
Based on Tikhonov 's regularization method , this paper discusses the solution of parabolic equation and gives a stable numerical solution .
This paper presents the concept of order random variable for the first time , and obtains the probability density function of X ( k ) .
This method uses the eross power spectral density ( PSD ) function of two received signals as a time sequence .
Probabilistic neural network ( PNN ) is a classification network , which is based on Bayesian decision theory and probability function estimation theory .
The r-order mean consistency for the kernel-type density estimation in the case of pairwise NQD sequences
Points out the properties of maximum value of X ~ 2 distributed density function , and the relation of different X ~ 2 distributed density function according to different parameters .
In NOx estimating model , thermal NOx formation , prompt NOx formation and fuel NOx formation have been calculated by probability density function ( PDF ) .
Density Functional Theory ( DFT ) Studies on Molecular Geometries , IR Frequencies and Thermodynamic Properties of Methyl and Ethyl Nitrates
Based on the Pearson I function of distribution density , this paper presents the Pearson transform model .
This assumption is extremely important when link-delay PDF is used as state information because the calculation of path-delay PDF is NP-Hard without it .
This paper uses Auto-regressive moving-average ( ARMA ) model to simulate the wind records based on Von Karman spectral .
In this paper the evolution equations for pdf of turbulent combustion arc derived . Some common stochastic models and Monte Carlo algorithm for solving the pdf equations are introduced .
The precondition of structure multiaxial fatigue analysis in frequency domain with Von Mises stress is to obtain its peak probability density function .
A novel PNN model with training algorithms is proposed for class conditional density estimation .
It is proven that the solution of one-class SVM using the Gaussian kernel can be normalized as an estimate of probability density , and can be used to obtain the Bayesian classifier .
Probability density function ( PDF ) method is proposed for analysing the structure of the reconstructed attractor in carrent study . PDF contains important information about the spatial distribution of the phase points in the reconstructed attractor .
By using the exterior product and exterior differential forms operations , the density functions of the quaternion Beta distribution , . F ' distribution and their Latent roots'distribution are derived in this paper .
The Gamma distribution function Γ(α,β) is always used as a prior distribution density function of Bayesian exponential reliability growth model . Different value of α,β will make considerable difference in evaluating results .
These algorithms are based on minimizing a contrast function defined in terms of the Kullback-Leibler distance .
Switching algorithm of blind source separation based on kurtosis is used to adaptively learn activation function of the independent component analysis ( ICA ) without assuming the PDF of sources .