- 名mean free path

The funtional relation between η _E and the electron inelastic mean free path ( IMFP ) λ was gived and calculate IMFP by the experimental value of η _E .
The Knudsen number is defined as the ratio of the macroscopic length scale ( hydrodynamic wave-length ) to the microscopic one ( mean free path ) .
These were attributed to the increase of the mean free path and impacting energy of ions at low working pressure .
Different estimators for the mean free pathes of secondary particles in nucle - ar track emulsion are derived and discussed with respect to their special characteristics using statistical calculations and Monte Carlo simulations .
Relation between acoustical absorption coefficient α and loss factor η in reverberant field with statistical energy analysis ( SEA ) was derived using concise statistical acoustical concepts , such as acoustical absorption coefficient α, three-dimension angle , mean free path and surface absorption energy .
Tait mean free path in probability view
We also gave explanation to the influence of scattering effect caused by the ordered molecular orientation on the inelastic mean free path .
Tait mean free path is deduced by making some probability assumptions and discussing their consequent influences to the intensity distribution .
The optical potential and mean free paths of nucleons at finite temperatures in nuclear matter are studied based on the effective Skyrme interaction .
The obtained relationship between signal to noise ratio and specimen thickness represented by mean free path of plasma excitation in amorphous carbon , λ p , shows that a suitable specimen thickness for EELS is in a range of 0.2-0.6 λ P.
The analysis of Boltzmann transport theory suggests that the size effect of thermal conductivity in thin films could be attributed to the diminishing of relax time or mean free path of phonons ( lattice vibration ) in films .
This paper reviews the principles of the Monte Carlo method for simulating the diffuse sound field and presents some results of the diffuse sound field in reverberation room , such as energy density decay function , energy impulse response , mean free path and absorption coefficient .
The effect of the latter to grow nucleus is small . But it affects the growth velocity of the thin film from changing the molecular mean free path to affect the diffusion of Cd and Te_2 .
The inelastic mean free paths ( IMFP ) of 65 , 256 and 921 eV Auger electrons in thin films of potassium have been determined .
A transport model based on the mean free path consideration for high energy collisions has been developed . A transition from hadron state to a quark gluon plasma is included within the framework of the bag model .
The imaginary part of the complex self energy of electron provides spatial and angular dependent differential inverse inelastic mean free path ( DIIMFP ) .
But some researches show that it has the probability of failure since the head-disk gap is less than the mean free path of air ( 65nm at room condition ) .
Electromagnetic signals , such as photon and dilepton production signals , are traditional signals for formation of QGP . Photon and dilepton have large mean free path and pass through collision region easily to reach the detectors , so they can be observed directly in experiment .
The analytical results of the thermal conductivity based on the kinetic theory of phonon gas model agrees well with the result of NEMD simulation , which indicates that the phonon mean free path in nanoscale silicon films is significantly decreased .
In this paper , the microstructural parameters of ferrite , including volume , grain length , shape factor and mean free distance , are measured manually for dual phase microstructure formed under different original microstructures and different quenching temperatures of upper subcritical zone .
The phonon mean free path is lower than lattice parameters .
Relation between temperature and mean free path in the Franck-Hertz experiment
A rigorous proof of the geometrical mean free path λ′
Mean Free-Path of Gaseous Molecules in a Long Pipe of Circular Cross-Section
Temperature dependent optical potential and mean free paths of nucleons
Estimators for the Mean Free Path in High Energy Nucleus & Nucleus Interactions
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method on Nanoscale Effect of Gas Mean Free Path
The Inelastic Mean Free Path of Anger Electrons in Thin Films of Potassium
A Research on Formula between collision Frequency of Gas Molecule and Average Free Procedure
Reduction of Effects of Electron Mean Escape Length on AES / XPS Depth Profile