
  • 网络Mississippi Delta;Mississippi River Delta
  1. 黄河三角洲平原发育盐碱滩,与密西西比河三角洲经典模式有本质区别。

    There is essential differentiation between the Yellow River delta and the classical model of Mississippi river delta .

  2. 但在6月上旬,从密西西比河三角洲到大西洋沿岸地区的农民都欢迎大雨到来。

    But farmers welcomed heavy rainfall in early July from the Mississippi River Delta to the southern Atlantic coastal area .

  3. 墨西哥湾泄漏原油进一步扩散,已漂至密西西比河三角洲地区。

    Oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill has crept further into the Mississippi Delta .

  4. 在密西西比河三角洲的经济不景气的地区有一个试点项目。

    There 's a pilot project in the Mississippi Delta , an economically depressed region .

  5. 在这份目录中名列前茅的是夏威夷的考艾岛、密西西比河的三角洲、纽约曼哈顿、加拿大的哈德逊湾、巴拿马运河、加勒比海沿岸、亚马逊热带雨林等。

    Other places on the list include Kauai Island of Hawaii , the Mississippi Delta , Manhattan Island in New York , Hudson Bay in Canada , Panama Canal , Caribbean seacoast and the Amazon rainforest .