- 网络Density matrix

N - representability Problem in the Reduced Density Matrix
The density matrix theroy is used to study photon-hopping via resonance dipole-dipole interaction in photonic crystals .
Markov Processes with Density Matrix Q ( ⅱ )
The applications of density matrix theory to dynamic NMR spectroscopy
The general natures of the arbitrary order reduced density matrix and the relevant natural orbital have been researched .
Using density matrix equation , the Absorption of the probing field in N-type four-level atomic system with three coupling laser-fields under introducing laser field linewidth is calculated .
The relation between the population distribution of the atomic Na excited by light field and ionization rate is described by the density matrix equation .
Analytical expression of the optical rectification in the Po ¨ schl Teller well is obtained by the density matrix method .
The time-dependent properties and the steady state features of a quantum LC circuit with a source in a thermal bath are studied .
To improve the computational efficiency in radiotherapy treatment planning , a procedure usually applied is to interpolate the density matrix from CT data of fine voxels to create a density matrix of coarse voxels .
The paper consists of the basic theory of DM and the applications of DM theory to NMR line-shape calculations of inter - and intra-molecular exchanging systems .
Non-perturbation Master Equation for the Reduced Density Matrix of the J-C Model
As a form of density matrix , the Wigner function is the distribution in quantum phase space .
It is shown that ( 1 ) after applying of gradient pulse , a z-component , a zero-quantum coherence and a double-quantum coherence will be left in the density matrix ;
The conditions for realizing lasing without inversion are investigated via density matrix method in bare and dressed states in the V-type closed lifetime-broadened system where atomic coherence is induced by an external electromagnetic field .
The first order reduced density matrix ρ _1 for a polyatomic system having 2n electrons can be constructed resolving HFR Eq. from n basis .
Using a density matrix approach the absorption coefficient and modulation depth of NH 3 molecular near an absorption line has been formulated .
Expressions used for extracting the alignment parameter of photofragment from the laser induced fluorescence ( LIF ) intensity are derived by employing the density matrix approach .
Utilizing Kraus operator to analysis the transformation of density matrix of particles of ruby laser
The way resulting in the lasing without inversion is discussed from the both respects the qualitative analysis and numerical calculation by using the zero order stationary solution of the density matrix motion equations of the open V type system .
In this paper , the semiclassical density matrix treatment was applied to four-level system for optically pumped NH_3 molecular submillimeter wave ( SMMW ) lasers , which was pumped by CO_2 laser and microwave simultaneously .
Two schemes to analyze the results of experiments were proposed : ( a ) . performing a tomographic reconstruction of the density matrix ; ( b ) . analyzing the spectra directly to obtain the results according to the physical meaning of the spectra . 3 .
Yamamoto also researched the thermodynamic properties of ferrimagnetic spin chain by modified spin wave theory and density-matrix renormalization-group method .
We test the separability of the density matrix by researching the simple combinatorial condition ( the " degree condition "), The condition is directly related to the PPT-criterion .
Another quantum circuit of realizing the quantum Toffoli gate has also been proposed . · The density matrices of NMR quantum computing experiments have been successfully reconstructed by using the technique of state tomography and the quantum theories of NMR Fourier spectroscopy .
Finally , using density matrix techniques , we obtain the Hawking radiation spectrum of the Godel and Myers-Perry black hole .
The Collisions produces two effets on atoms : the atoms transition or the random shift δω( t ) of the levels , in thio paper , we prove that the δω( t ) leads to lifetime effects on the off-diagonal element ρ _ ( ab ) .
For weakly coupled systems undergoing exchange it is possible to compute theoretical ine shapes using modified Bloch equation , but strongly coupled systems require a full density matrix ( DM ) treatment .
By making use of the method of density matrix , we give an unified explanation of Q-modulation and four-wave mixing effects caused by resonant saturable absorption ( RSA ) materials in a laser cavity . The underlying physical mechanism of the effects is expressed clearly .
The Maxwell-Bloch ( MB ) equations of two-subband model are derived , and the OB state equation for a ring cavity is obtained from the stationary solution of the MB equations .