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jiā shì
  • family background;blood;parentage;a family's social standing
家世 [jiā shì]
  • [one's descent or origin;family background] 人出生的门第;家庭世系

  1. 复社成员的家世及其影响

    The Family Background and Its Influence on the Members of Fushe

  2. 主体由四大部分构成。第一章论述赵吉士的家世和生平经历。

    The main part contains four chapters : The first chapter discusses Zhao Jishi family background and life experience .

  3. 她的家世和来历不明。

    Nothing is known about her parentage and background .

  4. 她为自己源远流长的家世而自豪。

    She was proud of her long pedigree .

  5. 他家世代务农。

    He comes from a long line of farmers .

  6. 你们可记得我对于自己的家世,不见得比流浪汉的一头狗知道的更多

    You are to remember that I knew no more of my descent than any cadger 's dog .

  7. 狐狸与猴子同行,一路上都在争吵谁的家世更高贵。

    A fox and a monkey were on the road together , and fell into a dispute as to which of the two was the better born .

  8. 他把他的家世追溯到十五世纪前后。

    He traces his family back to about the fifteenth century .

  9. 王恽家世背景及学术渊源考察

    Exploration on WANG Yun 's Family Background and his Academic Origin

  10. 他因家世寒微而被人看不起。

    He was looked down on because of his humble background .

  11. 20世纪曹雪芹家世研究综述

    Overview on CAO Xue-qin 's Family Research in the 20th Century

  12. (一)杜预的家世和家族的文化特色

    Du Yu 's family background and the culture character of the family

  13. 这可以使这部家世传奇进入又一个轮回。

    That could send the whole saga into yet another repeat cycle .

  14. 他们说话一样,长相一样,家世背景也一样。

    They sound alike , look alike and share equally privileged backgrounds .

  15. 那位年轻的明星家世很好。

    The young star is a man of good family .

  16. 她令人作呕地大吹她的家世。

    She talks ad nauseam about her family 's importance .

  17. 无畏的植物探索家世称“植物猎人”

    intrepid botanist-explorers known as " the Plant Hunters . "

  18. 潘岳家世婚姻考订

    A Brief Textual Research on the Genealogy and Marriage of Pan Yue

  19. 不凡的家世使他具有得天独厚的民族文化底蕴。

    The uncommon extraction gave him advantaged native culture basis .

  20. 因为那好象是他们本着家世而应得的权利。

    For it seemeth but right done to their birth .

  21. 从鲁迅看家世对作家成长的作用

    From Luxun to the Influence of Parentage on Success of a Writer

  22. 这部新小说是一部引人入胜的家世小说。

    This new novel is an absorbing family saga .

  23. 他可以回溯他的家世背景到许多世纪。

    He could trace his lineage back many centuries .

  24. 第一部分为傅亮的家世。

    First part introduces the family background of Fu-Liang .

  25. 第二章,家世与生平研究。

    The second chapter , family and life study .

  26. 鲁弗斯·迈纳,家世背景良好

    Rufus Minor.He comes from a very good family .

  27. 陈诚的家世生平,一直存在一些隐匿不清之处。

    There exits some points unclear about Chen Cheng 's life and his family .

  28. 他是位家世良好的人。

    He is a person of gentle birth .

  29. 第二,介绍他的家世。

    Second , I 'll introduce his extraction .

  30. 这是艾丽丝的家世。

    This is Alice 's family tree .