
  • 网络Home service industry;household service industry
  1. 但上海市家庭服务业行业协会成立至今,在促进行业提升及谋求自身发展等方面都存在着不少问题。

    However , since household service industry association in Shanghai established , the industry association has many problems in its development .

  2. 上海市政府为了缓解这对矛盾,于2009年初成立上海市家庭服务业行业协会,主要针对上海的家政市场进行自律和提升。

    To ease this contradiction , Shanghai government established household service industry association in Shanghai in early 2009 , mainly for promoting household service markets self-regulation in Shanghai .

  3. 第三,比较研究了国外财税政策促进家庭服务业发展的成功做法与经验。

    After analysising and drawing on the developed countries ' successful practice and experience of fiscal policy to promote the domestic service .

  4. 女佣行业的兴旺发展,逐渐成为广州城市家庭服务业中的一支主力军。

    The trade of maids ' has developed prosperously , which become a big part service industry army to city family in Guangzhou .

  5. 但大连市家庭服务业协会成立至今,仍然在自身建设和促进行业发展等方面存在问题。

    But the Dalian family service industry association was established , problems still exist in its construction and promote the development of the industry .

  6. 而家庭服务业协会作为这一行业的代言人和组织管理者,其存在和作用能否充分发挥的重要性是不言而喻的。

    While the Family Service Industry Association as a spokesman for the organization and management of this industry , the importance of the existence and function could fully play is self-evident .

  7. 希望通过这些分析和建议,能够促进大连市家庭服务业协会更好更快的发展,进而推动大连家庭服务业健康有序地发展进行研究和探讨。

    Hope that through these suggestions , can promote the Dalian family service industry association better and faster development , and promote the Dalian family service industry healthy and orderly development of research and discussion .

  8. 因而,如何有效、合理的进行融资,保证家庭服务业发展的资金需要是一项重要的工作,积极鼓励、引导民间资本发展吉林省家庭服务业是解决企业资金短缺的有效途径。

    So capital shortage is the important issue that Jilin home service enterprises facing . Therefore , how to effectively and reasonably financing , guaranteeing the development of the home service industry funds need is an important work .

  9. 旅游业、现代物流业、信息化建设、文化创意产业、家庭服务业、商贸流通、金融保险业,将是推动吉林市三产业未来发展的主要行业。

    Tourism , modern logistics and information construction , cultural and creative industries , and family services , circulation and financial insurance , will be to promote industry for the future development of the professional accounting major industries .

  10. 目前,全国各地家庭服务业发展迅猛,吉林省家庭服务业发展态势良好,但因为起步较晚,基础薄弱,仍处于低层次服务市场、初级服务状态,家庭服务业的各个方面都需要进一步提高。

    The situation of Jilin province in home service industry is good , but due to the start later and foundation weak , it is still at low level service market and primary service status . All the areas of home service industry need to be improved further .

  11. 据金融研究公司Sageworks分析表明:去年,家庭健康护理服务业的销售增长率达11.2%,使其成为美国增长最迅速的行业。

    In the past year , the home health care services industry has experienced sales growth of 11.2 % , making it the fastest growing industry in the U.S. , according to Sageworks , a financial analysis company .