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  • Vincent;Vinson;Joe Vinson
  1. 外面下着大雨文森特别淋湿了

    This big storm broke , Vincent , Don 't gat wet .

  2. 在你文森的眼中反射出了中国蓝。

    Reflect in Vincent 's eyes of China blue .

  3. 不久前,我读到一位刚从史岱文森高中(StuyvesantHigh)毕业的学生写的一篇文章。

    Not long ago , I saw an article written by a recent graduate of Stuyvesant High .

  4. 有7位黑人学生得到了于今年9月进入史岱文森高中(StuyvesantHighSchool)就读的机会,这比去年该高中录取的黑人学生人数少了两位。

    Seven black students have been offered a chance to start classes at Stuyvesant High School in September , two fewer than received offers last year .

  5. 疾控中心允许安布尔.文森乘坐商业航班,CDC现在说不应该发生的事情出现了。

    Amber Vinson was recently cleared by the CDC to take a commercial flight , something the CDC now says should not have happened .

  6. 联邦卫生官员表示,文森周一登上了边疆航空(FrontierAirlines)从克利夫兰飞往达拉斯-沃思堡机场(Dallas-FortWorth)的1143航班,她当时不应该乘坐商业航班。

    Ms. Vinson should not have traveled on a commercial flight , federal health officials said , when she boarded Frontier Airlines Flight 1143 on Monday , en route from Cleveland to Dallas-Fort Worth .

  7. 各城市、各州也加强安全了措施,文森在亚特兰大埃默里大学医院(EmoryUniversityHospital)接受治疗,而不是达拉斯,这些都说明人们高度关注该疾病,并为此感到担忧。

    Cities and states adopted heightened security measures , and Ms. Vinson was being treated at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta rather than in Dallas & all signs of the heightened focus on the disease and the fears it has stirred .

  8. 文森提表示,实际上,Yipit在获得额外的600万美元投资之前,便已经接近盈利了。

    Vacanti says that before yipit took its extra $ 6 million in funding it was nearing profitability .

  9. 但这场“灾难”后来却带来了回报&经济危机来临后,文森提将Yipit网站转变成一家聚合网站,专门收集经济不景气时期推出的优惠信息。

    But the disaster paid off - once the recession hit , Vacanti turned yipit into an aggregator of recession-pegged coupon deals .

  10. 文森,我认为你应该过来看一下。

    Vince , I think you 're gonna wanna see this .

  11. 不幸的,托尼和文森没有从事故中活下来。

    Unfortunately , Tony and Vince did not survive the accident .

  12. 他们只是完成文森交待的任务。

    They 're only doing what Vince told them to do .

  13. 文森今天晚上和艾米一起出去吗?

    Isn 't Vince going out with Amy tonight ?

  14. 而文森提恰好深谙此道。

    And Vacanti knew how to be an analyst .

  15. 将所需装备告诉文森。

    Tell Vincent what it is you 'll need .

  16. 到了44岁的时候,特里•伊文森的人生突然被迫重头再来。

    At age 44 , Terry Evanshen would be starting all over again .

  17. 还有一位护士,安贝尔?文森还在康复中。

    The other nurse - Amber Vinson - continues to improve as well .

  18. 文森:他说他已成为旧金山巨人队的球迷。

    Vince : He said he has become a San Francisco Giants fan .

  19. 文森是集团现任首席执行官。

    Mr McMahon is the current chief executive .

  20. 那是比文森特多的八分钟。

    That 's eight minutes more than Vincent .

  21. 你的数学技能真是出乎意料啊,文森。

    Your math skills are astonishing , vince .

  22. 文森提由此最终确定了自己的业务方向。

    Vacanti had finally found his business .

  23. 文森:那他应该知道他的恶毒语言已经伤害了我。

    Vince : Then he should have known how his hateful words would hurt me .

  24. 再见,文森,我要走了,别拦着我。

    Good-bye , vince . I 'm leaving and don 't try to stop me .

  25. 七年级时史都文森送我项链,我也没收

    I couldn 't even accept a necklace from Stu Vincent in the seventh grade .

  26. 突击小队乘坐开往正在北方阿拉伯海美国“卡尔•文森”号航母的直升机离开现场。

    The team departed the scene via helicopter to the USS Carl Vinson in the north Arabian Sea .

  27. 1952年,文森豪威尔转而从政,并证明他在政治舞台上同样是一名出色的领袖。

    Turning to politics in 1952 , Eisenhower proved to be a successful commander in that field also .

  28. 对不起,请问我坐那路车能去文森宾馆?

    Excuse me , could you tell me which bus I can take to go to Winson hotel ?

  29. 会员有诗人爱德华宾特、翰文森,性科学家蔼理斯和未来费边秘书爱德华?

    Fellowship members included poets Edward Carpenter and John davidson , sexologist Havelock Ellis and future Fabian Secretary Edward R.

  30. 评列文森的近代中国史观&对列文森《儒教中国及其现代命运》的思考

    On Levenson 's Perspectives on China 's Modern History & Some Thoughts on His Confucian China and Its Modern Fate