- family school

[family school] 旧时请老师到家里来教授自己子弟的私塾
Two is the " Chinese education family school teaching method " in the viewpoint of .
Through these discussions , I hope that we can correctly understand the views and experiences and make the good use of " family school teaching method " in Chinese teaching .
Apart from being used for teaching purpose , the building also served as a venue for clan members to hold meetings and traditional functions .
The Restoration of King Law Ka Shuk Temple , Tai Po Tau , Hong Kong wins the Award of Merit in the2001 UNESO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation .
He studied in family school and old-style private school and was raised by receiving the old feudal education , which made him gain a clear understanding of the true features of old feudal education .
Tang Biao was Chinese eminent educationist of Qing Dynasty , who had ample experience in teaching practice . His masterpiece & Family School Teaching Method is the first education monograph taking name from pedagogy .