
  • Practical Training
  1. 秘书专业实训教学模式探讨

    On the Teaching Model of the Practical Training Courses for the Secretary Major

  2. 广西高职院校校内实训基地建设的思考

    Reflections on the Construction of On-campus Practical Training Bases for Vocational Colleges in Guangxi

  3. 基于Web的工业实训中心实训教学管理系统的设计

    The Design of Web-based Training Teaching Management System in Industrial Training Centre

  4. 项目化教学在高职Web程序设计综合实训课程中的应用

    The Application of Project Teaching to Web-based Programming Course in Higher Professional Education

  5. Java语言程序设计基础实训项目之我见

    Practical project for basic Java programming

  6. 基于项目课程的Linux实训项目教学设计

    Project-based Courses in Instructional Design Projects Linux Training

  7. 数控加工技术实训中常见问题分析及研究CNC车加工

    Common Problems of CNC Maching in Practical Training

  8. 实训室运行三年来,配合PLC课程教学改革,取得了一定的社会效益和经济效益。

    The laboratory has obtained social and economic benefits in the last three years accompanied with the teaching reform of the PLC course .

  9. 个体软件过程(PSP)在数据库项目实训中的应用

    The Application of Personal Software Process in Practice Training of Database Item

  10. 文中,首先,比较了目前主流的软件开发平台、数据库产品、Web服务器技术,为实训室管理系统选择了运行的软硬件环境。

    The paper , first of all , selects the software and hardware environment for the training room information system after compares different mainstream software development platforms , database products , and WEB servers .

  11. 采用JAVA语言开发,使用了jsp、CSS+DIV、JDBC技术,开发设计了一个适合于中职的电子商务实训系统。

    We develop and design a suitable e-commerce training system by using JAVA language and JSP , CSS + DIV , JDBC technology for the secondary vocational schools .

  12. 本文分析了程序设计语言实训项目应该满足的条件,然后介绍了一个用于Java语言编程基础实训的系统,该系统非常适合学生在《Java语言程序设计基础》课程结束后实训时实现。

    This paper analyzes the requirements that should be met with the practical projects for programming languages , and suggests an application system proper for students to implement who have completed the course Basic Java Programming .

  13. SSL-PBL教学法在中药制药技术专业实训的应用

    SSL-PBL Teaching Method in the Practical Medicine Training of Chinese Technology

  14. 结果表明:本课题所设计的基于MES的物流实训系统运行可靠、稳定、操作方便,基本满足物流实训需求。

    Finally , the training processes based on the supply chain operation modes are brought forward . The operation results show that the logistics training system is reliable , stable and convenient . It can basically meet the needs of logistics training .

  15. 文中以河南科技大学为例进行研究,通过实行立体化教学、校企合作加强实践基地建设、应用ERP沙盘模拟实训以及加强师资队伍建设等措施,在学科建设和人才培养方面取得了良好的效果。

    This article takes Henan University of Science and Technology as an example which achieved good results through carrying out stereoscopic teaching , cooperation between school and enterprises to strengthen practice base construction , applying ERP model table to simulate training of IE specialty and strengthening team construction of teachers .

  16. 通过调研笔者发现,有关在SFS环境下构建一个能够有效地实现远程虚拟实训的研究尚处于起步阶段,本课题旨在此方向上做出努力。

    Through research the author found , in the SFS environment to build a can effectively achieve the research of remote virtual training is still in the initial stage , the purpose of this paper is to make efforts in this direction .

  17. 本文介绍了PSP课程在软件技术专业教学计划中的安排以及与其他课程的结合,并详细描述了在数据库项目实训中应用PSP的方法,对该教学实践中的经验和问题进行了总结。

    The article introduced the arrangement of PSP course in the teaching plan of software technology specialty and the combination of PSP with other courses , detailedly described the methods of applying PSP in practice training of database item , and summarized experiences and problems of PSP teaching practice .

  18. 青岛市职业教育现代制造业公共实训基地设计

    Design of vocational education modern manufacture public practice in Qingdao city

  19. 高职教育实习实训基地的建设与设想

    The Construction and Thought of Practical Training Base of Higher Education

  20. 评估促进了农科实训基地建设

    The Promotion for the Building of Agricultural Exercitation Base Through Evaluation

  21. 论实训基地建设与高等职业教育的关系

    On the Relationship between Training Base Establishment & Higher Vocational Education

  22. 电工电子与自动控制实训课程的研究

    Research on training course of electricity , electron and automatic control

  23. 高职英语实训教材建设的探索与实践

    Study of English Textbook for Practice for Vocational and Technical Education

  24. 高职高专院校基于就业导向的实习实训教学方法选择分析

    Based on Employment-oriented Vocational College internship analysis of practical teaching methods

  25. 湖北职院实训基地建设的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Training Base Construction in Hubei Polytechnic Institute

  26. 高职校内实训基地建设的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration on Higher Vocational Education Training Base in College

  27. 社会体育专业实习实训教学模式的构建

    Construction of Practice and Training Teaching Modes for Social Sports Majors

  28. 利用护理实训中心进行《妇产科护理》教学

    Instruction of Gynecological and Obstetrical Nursing in the Nursing Training Center

  29. 商品房交易实训课程的设计与实践

    The Instructional Design and Practice in Commercial Housing Trading Training Course

  30. 对实训教学四步教学法的思考

    Reflection on the " Four-Step Teaching Method " in Practical Teaching