- 网络Audio-visual Language;audiovisual language

Secondly , the performance of digital television programs and movies and audio-visual language to explain the type of research , analysis from the aspects of the characteristics of digital video creation , and a detailed analysis 3D film " Avatar ," the creative expression .
Audio-visual language since then become film language indispensable important component .
DV has offered a A / V language for masses as a kind of Language .
Interpreting the Cultural Phenomenon with the Audio - Visual Language
The aesthetic status and function of Audio-visual language in film and television advertising .
The audio-visual language has greater superiority over the orthographic language in linking the world .
The Korean Chinese teaching introduced the TV drama and audio-visual language material in class .
Students can design great audio and video works based on the basic skills and knowledge .
On Audi-Visual Language in Game Design
Audio-visual language in animation , making use of the current animation has the charm of unstoppable .
The present paper studies the movie The Beauty As Before from the perspective of audio and video language .
They use body language , at most to shoot off the tongue , I use audiovisual language mainly .
Film language is a special audio and visual language , which is the combination of spoken and written language .
This feature is the basic syntax by animation-visual language , in particular the characteristics of the language of the camera .
Movies and television and other audio-visual language teaching in recent years are more and more used in second language teaching practice .
From the social function of public television video , audio clips with TV of social culture and language creation may influence .
With some common characteristics , these films developed the new audiovisual language , but it is no breakthrough in the recount models .
Hayao miyazaki cartoon from the overall study film and audio-visual language , hayao miyazaki cartoon film the basic characteristics of audiovisual language .
As a realistic art form , film can show audience the true life through authentic seeing and hearing language and absorbing other art peculiarity .
Chapter II researches into the narrative style of Chinese animation movies from the modality elements of narrative art , including art modeling and movie language .
This part discusses the films from four different points of view which is story , character , the language of video and audio and theme .
Hayao miyazaki cartoon audio-visual language of auditory language is mainly from hearing language of the meaning and style characteristics , ideographic function aspects studied respectively .
From the main theme , audio-visual language , montage , narrative features , temporal and spatial structure of the artistic performance method are analyzed and summarized .
Traditional audio-visual language and shooting has been unable to meet the creation of the martial arts movie , martial arts movie concept in urgent need of innovation .
Obeying thinking rule of the body and language criterion of seeing and hearing and combination rule of the denotation are the essentials of logic rule and relationship .
His movie has a distinct personal style difficult to imitate , abundant , minuteness humanity / versa humanity theme , profound philosophy thought and original audio-visual language .
The visualization and no need to convert of Audia-visual language , timely and synchronization , simulations of the Media feature , let them be the unprecedented Mass culture .
Movie language means visual and aural language . To a movie creator , how to use visual and aural language well is the foundation of making a good movie .
The aim of the artistic design of a TV opera is to abstract the opera 's spirit rooted in tradition , which is accordant to a new extensity for audiovisual language .
Post-modern contest between the outside to the inside , step by step , the intrusion of modernity from the narrative structure , visual language and gradually extended to the narrative text .