
  1. 谈2008年全国职业院校技能大赛专业特色和价值内涵

    On Specialty Characteristics & Value Connotation of 2008 National Technical Ability Contest of Higher Vocational Colleges

  2. 中诺思在2010年荣获教育部“全国职业院校技能大赛高职组物流赛事指定大赛软件和器材供应商”称号;

    In2010 , NOS China was honored " the only equipment provider for the skills competition of the national vocational students " by the Ministry of Education .

  3. 为此,21世纪初教育部就联合有关部门先后举办了四届全国职业院校学生技能大赛,各地也纷纷效仿。

    Therefore , at the beginning of the 21st century . The Ministry of Education with some relevant departments had . The National Vocational College Students ' Skills Contest successively , to this day , which was the fourth .