- 网络instance variable;Ivars;ivar;non-static

A select_card method picks a card at random and assigns it the @ current_card instance variable .
A view class has a special instance variable called @ main_view_component that references its corresponding Swing class .
Add automatic object ivar packing ( improves memory usage )
Each of these corresponds to a UI element defined earlier .
You 'll set a prototype instance variable to point to the parent in the inheritance chain .
Renders a heading with the content in the instance variable count , which contains the value of a simple counter .
The respond_to method accepts a single code block and passes one instance variable ( labeled wants ) into the code block .
The keyword var is used to denote an instance variable in JavaFX .
The first and most important addition was access protection for methods and instance variables on classes & the public , protected , and private keywords .
The load_cards method handles reading in the text file from disk , splitting out each card , and assigning the results to the @ cards instance variable .
If you explicitly set the instance variable called prototype , JavaScript will look in this instance for any undefined instance variables or attributes .
Because Ruby does not require instance variable declaration , the simplest way to model instance variables is with a hash .
In an XML and Java technology environment , this would mean going from an XML document into Java instance variables , and then back to an XML document again .
The instance variables have not yet received any values and therefore have a value of nil ( no reference ) .
This is also a good place to declare instance variables that will be referenced by Java statements in your productions although I 'm not doing that in this example .
Data binding is performed using braces ( for example , the TextArea element 's text attribute is bound to the ActionScript message instance variable ) .
SAX2BestDeal has a few instance variables to store the content of the current name and price-quote .
Tapestry must perform runtime class modifications to support instance variables , and may only do so for private variables .
Therefore the suggested programming practice is to look up the service in the init method of the portlet and store it in an instance variable .
Call with continuation gives you a code block , and the continuation ( or a saved call stack , with instance variables ), which you assign to a variable .
N.B.The keyword " def ", used here as an instance variable modifier , indicates that the variables are properties .
In fill ( dbRecord ) the Vehicle object parses the data from the dbRecord ( a data row ), and fills in its own instance variables .
This simple construct saves another three to six lines of code for each instance variable , where a getter and / or a setter method is required .
Instead , the Thread class was modified to support ThreadLocal by adding an instance variable to Thread that holds a HashMap mapping thread-local variables to their values for the current thread .
Suppose the getX () method only answers the value of an instance variable .
For in a more realistic and complex example , the WorkUnit may have many instance variables that are really only relevant when it is being run by the Worker .
The reason is encapsulation , inheritance and polymorphism , and the mechanism is function dependency , inheritance , global variable , using API , client / server , message and class defining instance variable .
You will set the assign values , from the aSystem instances variable , to the view components in the - ( void ) viewDidLoad method .
Refactoring this is easy : I simply replace all the printlns with logic that places an instance variable in the HttpRequest object using the setAttribute () method .
Some other mappers force you to specify a column six times : in the schema , the getter , the setter , the model 's instance variable , the " from " mapping , and the " to " mapping .