
  • 网络Actual Capacity;practical capacity;Actual Volume;mah
  1. 本文介绍了确定电弧炉质心位置及倾动力矩的分部计算方法,并以一台公称容量为5t改造成实际容量为19t的电炉作实例进行计算。

    The article gives the method for determining the centroid position and tilting moment of arc furnaces , then gives an example of a furnace with nominal capacity 5t which has been reformed to with actual capacity 19t .

  2. 在部署前进行良好的性测试,并在其后进行生产监视,可以提供测定实际容量的最佳信息。

    Performance testing well in advance of deployment , and production monitoring afterward , provide the best information for gauging actual capacity .

  3. 这个量纲一参数ε是标定的容量流率和实际容量流率之比。

    This dimensionless parameter , ? , is the ratio between nominal volumetric flow rate and real volumetric flow rate .

  4. 航空蓄电池性能计算器主要计算的参数包括计算各型航空蓄电池的实际容量及实际容量占额定容量的百分数;

    Its main parameter calculation include that : calculating the practical capacity and its share percent of the rated capacity of each type of the aviation storage battery ;

  5. 在保证一定精度的情况下,通过外推蓄电池实际容量可以全面的估计每一块电池的实际电量。

    It will be able to estimate every piece of the battery capacity by means of extrapolation storage battery actual capacity on the condition that the result have a certain precision .

  6. 论文分析了机场起飞容量和降落容量操作需求,合理分配机场的起降操作,以使机场的计划容量和实际容量相匹配。

    This thesis analyzes the demand of the airports departure and landing capacity , and allocates the operation reasonably in order to make the planned capacity match the actual capacity of the airports .

  7. 测算结果表明,锦州市城区大气SO2实际环境容量为45520t。

    The results show that practical environmental capacity of SO_2 in the air of Jinzhou city is 45 ? 520 tons .

  8. 最后,本文结合CMT系统在参加信息产业部的CDMA外场测试时的路测数据,举例了理论容量和实际测试容量的不同,还列举分析了两个典型的移动台掉话现象。

    At last , this paper cites the results of the road test of CDMA communication system launched by the information industry department and analyzes the difference , two kinds of call drop are cited as well .

  9. 浅析耐电压测试仪实际输出容量的检定

    Superficial Analysis of the Calibration of Actual-output-capacity of Withstanding Voltage Tester

  10. 其中,提出的二次注水算法使实际通信容量进一步提高。

    Besides , the proposed twice water-filling algorithm further improved the practical capacity .

  11. 本文对产生这种差别的原因进行了分析,并给出了从空气测量数据到实际公称容量值的换算关系。

    The reason of the difference is analyzed and the conversion formula from the air test value to the real capacity is given in this paper .

  12. 根据静态和动态试验结果,对不同控制条件下活性氧化铝除氟可利用吸附容量和实际吸附容量进行了分析,从吸附容量利用率的角度论述了确定活性氧化铝除氟柱控制参数的方法。

    In this paper , according to the results of batch and continuous-flow columns experiments , analysis on the maximal and available fluoride removal capacity of activated alumina was conducted with mathematical method .

  13. 运用多源模型综合应用控制区域、污染源、污染气象、环境质量验证等多方面的资料,建立污染源&大气环境质量的输入响应关系,测算实际环境容量。

    Applying the data of control area , pollution source , weather condition and environmental quality evidence , this paper found the input relation of pollution source and atmospheric quality standards and calculate real environmental capacity .

  14. 在此基础上,用水库全磷、全氮实测值计算了该水库的实际环境容量,结果表明该水库全氮和全磷浓度超过了二类水质标准,处于污染状态。

    However the factual environmental capacities of them were minus value , which calculated according to the measured value . These results indicated the water environment capacities of total phosphorus and total nitrogen in this reservoir exceeded Grade ⅱ water quality standard .

  15. 结果表明,表面修饰有效地抑制了LiNi0.8Co0.2O2和电解液之间的恶性相互作用,材料的实际比容量提高,充放电循环稳定性改善,自放电速率减小。

    It was shown that the surface modification effectively reduced the harmful interactions between the LiNi 0.8 Co 0.2 O 2 and the electrolyte . The surface modified LiNi 0.8 Co 0.2 O 2 cathode material had increased actual specific capacity , stabilized cycling performance and reduced self discharge .

  16. 应用ADMS~城市大气扩散模型核算2002年锦州市实际空气环境容量,重点介绍了ADMS~城市大气扩散模型及建模过程中模型条件、控制参数的选择,并提出污染物削减预案。

    ADMS-urban model was used for calculating the Actual air environmental capacity in 2002 of JINZHOU city , the emphasis were placed on ADMS-urban model and requirement in setting up atmospheric diffusion models , election of controlling parameter were presented .

  17. 本文通过对一个大功率实际系统(容量为132kW)的性能分析,用试验说明了如何在不改变泵控马达结构的情况下,通过对输入信号处理来提高系统的响应特性。

    This paper analyzes the performance of an actual system with large power ( 132kW ), and shows from test how the response characteristic of the system is improved under the condition of no change of the pump & controlled motor structure , with input signal processing .

  18. 高铁酸盐的高纯度制备、稳定性和实际放电比容量的提高对深入研究高铁酸盐电池具有重要意义。

    Therefore , the preparation of highly pure ferrate and the increase of actual discharge capacity were investigated in this paper .

  19. 从当前数字化图书馆建设的实际,从大容量、高性能、高安全性以及低成本等方面,对RAID、DAS、NAS、SAN等数据存储模式进行比较评析。

    This paper elaborates the facts about the digitalization library construction , analytical review of the data storage technology of RAID , DAS , NAS , SAN from their huge capacity , high performance , high safety and low cost .

  20. 结合工作实际提出无线系统容量的优化方法。

    Combined with the actual job of the proposed wireless system capacity optimization method . 3 .

  21. 本文提出了一种更符合实际网络的负载容量非线性模型。

    Based on related works , a load-capacity non-linear model was proposed , which is more suitable for real networks .

  22. 在目前我国实行两部制电价机制的环境下,发电企业在容量市场收入方面,为降低企业经营风险,要根据企业自身的实际情况,做好容量市场和电量市场的合理分配;

    In the environment of two-tariff mechanism , in order to reduce the operation risk , the generation should make the logical distribution between capacity market and energy market in the revenue of capacity market according to the actual condition of themselves .

  23. 本文根据山东省河流水文、水质特征,建立了符合当地实际的水环境容量数学模型,确定了模型参数的设计方法;

    According to the hydrology and the water quality characteristic of the rivers in Shandong Province , the water environmental capacity mathematical models suiting the local situation have been established in this paper , and the design methods of the model parameters have been derived .

  24. 通过理想条件与实际道路条件的对比,确定在实际条件下需要修正的因素,修正方法,建立了实际路网容量模型。

    At last , under the ideal condition , the model computing capacity of road network has been made .