
wài lián bù
  • public relations department
  1. XXX英语社外联部部长,成功协办“双语之星”英语风采大赛,负责本次大赛全部经费来源。

    XXX English social outreach minister , successful co " bilingual Star " English style competition for this contest all funding sources .

  2. 在第一环节中,主持者讲解了作为外联部干事所应该具备的能力以及如何培养这方面的能力。

    In the first part , the host explained what abilities they needed and how to improve such abilities .

  3. 外联部主要负责协会与校方或投资方以及任何有需要与协会沟通的各方联系。

    Communication Department is mainly in charge of the contact between ASA and XJTLU or investors or any other related sides , which needs cheerful characteristics and communication ability .

  4. 实践经历1、大学阶段曾任职于大连海事大学经济与管理学院学生会外联部,具有很强的组织能力和社交能力。

    Practice experience , the university has1 in dalian maritime university institute of economics and management , student outreach , have strong organizational skills and the ability to relate to others .

  5. 曾于院学生会外联部工作,并在青协任办公室秘书一职,有一定的交际及办公室文字处理能力;

    Student Union Hospital in liaison work , and the Office of the Secretary of the Federation of the post office , there is a certain degree of communication and office word processing capability ;