- diplomatic representations

After the Jinan Incident , the National Government forced a diplomatic settlement from Japan .
The five departments had their own division of labor , responsible for diplomatic intervention of tasks between Chosen and Qing .
But the company refused to obey . After the negotiation of Belgian Minister and Peking appeasement Corruption and the Foreign Ministry , the incident rose from commercial dispute to diplomatic mediation .
Shanghai has its own foreign affairs office , while S ã o Paulo has established diplomatic relations with dozens of states . These nations , in turn , have larger diplomatic representations there than they have in the capital Bras í lia .
According to diplomats , at least two western embassies attempted to submit formal diplomatic letters - or d é marches - highlighting their concerns to the Ministry of Public Security , which refused to accept them .
The so-called People-to People Diplomacy , is means that in order to realize own diplomatic intend and requirements , the national influence government diplomatic decision-making through diplomatic means , supervision and support .