
  1. 单晶外延层厚度的X射线双晶衍射测定

    Thickness Determination of Single Crystal Epitaxial Layer by X-Ray Double-Crystal Diffraction

  2. GaAs三元异质外延层厚度测量的X射线衍射比强度法

    X-Ray Diffraction Intensity Ratio Method for the Thickness Measurement of Ternary Heterogeneous Epitaxial Layers on GaAs Substrate

  3. 实验结果证明IGBT的下降时间随着外延层厚度的增加而增加。

    The experimental results prove that the fall time of IGBT increases when increasing the thickness of the epitaxial layer .

  4. 发现在生长的初始阶段,所生长的InN属立方相,但随着外延层厚度的增加出现了InN层由立方相向六角相的相变。

    It is found that the cubic phase InN was grown at initial stage of growth , but the transition from cubic phase InN to hexagonal phase InN occurred with increase of the thickness of InN epilayer .

  5. 对于外延层厚度约10μm、电阻率约0.5Ω·cm的样品,把频率降低到0.1MHz左右,表面杂质浓度测量的附加误差接近于零。

    For the epitaxial layer with about 10 μ m thickness and 0.5 Ω - cm resistivity the additional errors in measuriug surface impurity concentrations will approach zero when the signal frequency is decreased to about 0.1 MH_z .

  6. GB/T8758-1988砷化镓外延层厚度红外干涉测量方法

    Measuring thickness of epitaxial layers of gallium arsenide by infrared interference

  7. 掺硼p~+-Si外延层厚度的测试方法

    Method for Measuring Thickness of B-Doped p ~ + - Si Epitaxial Layer

  8. 硅外延层厚度均匀性的研究

    A Study of Uniformity of Silicon Epilayer Thickness

  9. GB/T14847-1993重掺杂衬底上轻掺杂硅外延层厚度的红外反射测量方法

    Test method for thickness of lightly doped silicon epitaxial layers on heavily doped silicon substrates by infrared reflectance

  10. 随着外延层厚度的增加,先后观察到了鳞片状结构、水波纹结构和平行阶梯结构。

    With the increasing of the thickness of epitaxial layers , scales , ripples and terraces are observed successively .

  11. 测量了不同掺杂浓度和外延层厚度的Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物外延材料的光伏谱。

    The surface photovoltaic spectra of epitaxial materials of the ⅲ - ⅴ compounds , with different doped levels and different thickness in the epitaxial region , are measured .

  12. 通过对在位监测曲线的分析,确定GaN生长速率以及外延层的厚度,并利用监测曲线实时标定缓冲层的厚度。

    By means of quantitative analysis , we accessed growth rate and film thickness of GaN epilayer , and even determined in real time the thickness of buffer layer from in situ measurements of normal incidence reflectance .

  13. 主要是随着衬底尺寸的增长,外延层的厚度、电阻率均匀性无法满足要求。

    With large size wafer , the uniformity of thickness & Resistivity was out of control line .

  14. 关于ALxGa(1-x)As液相外延层的生长厚度与组分变化

    On the Crystal Growth and Composition Variation in Al_x Ga ( 1-x ) A_s LPE Layers

  15. 透射干涉法测量蓝宝石上薄外延硅层的厚度

    Transmission interference method for measuring the thickness of thin SOS films

  16. 用扩展电阻法分析了在不同的生长温度和PH3气体流量下生长的Si外延层的过渡区厚度。

    The transition region thicknesses of the Si layers grown under different PH 3 flux and different growth temperatures were investigated by spread-resistance probe .

  17. SOI衬底顶层硅呈现高阻状态,合适温度的退火可以明显降低SOI衬底顶层硅电阻率,也可部分减少外延高阻过渡层厚度。

    The annealing at the proper temperature may decrease the resistivity of SOI substrate obviously and also improve the resistivity of epitaxial transitional layer partly .

  18. 应变异质结外延材料的缓冲层厚度与Frank-Read源的关系研究

    Read and match Frank - Read Sources and Buffer Layer Thickness for Strained-Layer Heterostructures

  19. 通过具体给定的参数确定了外延层电阻率及外延层厚度、运用迭代法算出栅氧化物厚度TOX、P区扩散浓度NP。

    This paper works out the thickness and resistivity of the epitaxial layer under the giver parameters , gives the thickness ( T ox ) of the gate and the density of P diffusion part ( N P ) adopting the iteration method .

  20. 外延层的干涉小峰间距反比于外延层的厚度。

    The interval between the interferentialpeaks is also inversely proportional tO the epitaxy layer thickness .