
  • 网络uraninite
  1. 硼矿床中的原生铀矿物&晶质铀矿和铅铀方钍石

    Primary uranium minerals in boron deposits & uraninite and ALDANITE

  2. 提出该岩体晶质铀矿复成因的证据。

    Evidence shows that the uraninite is of polygenesis .

  3. 文章还披露了作者所测的3个矿石晶质铀矿U-Pb同位素年龄(为165&146Ma),表明属晚侏罗世成矿。

    It is revealed that three uranium samples have the U Pb isotope ages of 165-146 Ma indicating the Late Jurassic period of mineralization .

  4. 唯一的矿石矿物为晶质铀矿。

    Uraninite is the only ore mineral .

  5. 晶质铀矿中稀土元素的配分特点与源岩的酸性程度有关;

    The partition characteristics of REE in uraninite are related to the acidity of initial rocks ;

  6. 本文系统地研究了贵东岩体产铀矿与非产铀矿花岗岩中晶质铀矿的标型特征。

    The typomorphic features of uranium bearing and non-uranium granites inGuidong granite complex have been studied systematically .

  7. 尤其有一部分具有胶状构造外表特征的沥青铀矿样品的各项参数均与晶质铀矿一样。

    Particularly part of pitchblende samples with colloidal structure features have the same physical and optical features as uraninite .

  8. 科罗拉多型矿床中的铀矿物为晶质铀矿和水硅铀矿,与之共生的还有钒,铜矿物。

    Ore minerals in the Colorado-type deposits are of uraninite and coffinite , with associated vanadium and copper minerals .

  9. 根据晶质铀矿在矿体中的存在形式,可划分为原生型和改造型。

    According to the forms of uraninite existence in orebodies , it can be divided into primary and reworked subtypes .

  10. 认为它主要是岩浆阶段结晶的,自变质与他变质作用也产生了一些晶质铀矿。

    It crystallizedmainly at the magma stage , while a certain part of uraninite resultedfrom autometamorphism and all chemical metamorphism .

  11. 以浸染扶晶质铀矿形式产于混合岩中的铀矿化是华南一种新的铀矿化类型。

    The uranium mineralization occurs in migmatite in the form of disseminated uraninite is a new type found in south China .

  12. 本文阐述珠光岩体中晶质铀矿的物理化学特征、产出位置和共生组合。

    Described in this paper are the physicochemical characteristics , occurrence , locality and paragenesis of uraninite in the Zhuguang mass .

  13. 原生型矿床中主要铀矿物是晶质铀矿,改造型矿床中的主要铀矿物是沥青铀矿和残余的晶质铀矿。

    The principal uranium mineral in the deposits of primary subtype is uraninite , but in reworked subtype are pitchblende and relict uraninite .

  14. 主要矿石矿物为晶质铀矿、铀石,铀矿化主要富集在伟晶状花岗岩内黑云母集中区、伟晶状花岗岩脉与黑云母斜长片麻岩接触带处。

    Main ore minerals are uraninite and coffinite . Uranium mineralization is mainly present in the biotite-concentrated site within pegmatoid granite and at the contact between pegmatoid granite dykes and biotite plagiogneiss .

  15. 本文通过对含铀矿花岗伟晶岩重矿物的研究,发现自然金与晶质铀矿连生一体的现象,为研究铀-金共生及其成矿作用提供了新的信息。

    Through the study on heavy minerals from the uraniferous granite-pegmatite it is found that nature gold is associated with uraninite , which provides the new information for the study on uranium-gold association and its metallogenesis .

  16. 本文介绍了日本东浓地区的铀矿物和铀矿床,发现在这个地区的主要铀矿物有:(1)四价铀矿物:晶质铀矿、铀石;

    Presented in this paper are uranium minerals and uranium deposits in the Tono area of Japan . The principal uranium minerals found in the Tono area are as follows : ( 1 ) Tetravalent uranium minerals : uraninite , coffinite .

  17. 其原因是,1.946Ga形成的铀矿物受到了1.829Ga混合岩化作用以及中生代活化作用的改造,使沥青铀矿重结晶,形成具有沥青铀矿假象的晶质铀矿。

    The reason for this is that the uranium minerals formed at 1946 Ma experienced migmatization at 1829 Ma and the transformation of remobilization during Mesozoic period giving rise to the recrystallization of pitchblende and the formation of uraninite with pseudomorph of pitchblende .