
  • 网络urban complex;City Complex;hopsca
  1. 城市综合体建筑是社会需求、经济发展的必然产物。

    The HOPSCA is the inevitable result of the social demand and the economical development .

  2. 医院&新型城市综合体建设创新型企业

    Hospital & A New Type of Urban Complex Set up Innovative Enterprises

  3. 为了打造一些人所说的纽约的翻版,天津市大规模举债,在北京东南约70公里处兴建以洛克菲勒中心(RockefellerCenter)和林肯中心(LincolnCenter)为模板的城市综合体。

    In Tianjin , about 70 miles southeast of Beijing , the city has borrowed heavily to create what some have called a replica of New York City , with complexes modeled after Rockefeller Center and Lincoln Center .

  4. 同时,我国城市综合体的布局研究要加强对GIS、城市设计理念等方法技术的引入,以便为城市综合体的建设提供更科学的布局策略。

    At the same time , methods and techniques such as GIS and urban design concept should be emphasized in the research of the layout of the urban complex so as to provide a more scientific strategy to the construction of the urban complex .

  5. 交通枢纽之城市综合体上海虹桥综合交通枢纽规划理念

    Transport Hub and Urban Complex Planning Concept of Shanghai Hongqiao Transport Hub

  6. 开放下的聚合&城市综合体的规划布局设计解析

    Opening & Aggregation-An Explanation to the Planning and Design for City Synthesis

  7. 城市综合体&商业对城市空间的整合叙事

    Urban Complex : Integration of Urban Space by Commerce

  8. 城市综合体&商业地产项目开发中的成本控制

    Cost Control in Development of Commercial Property

  9. 本文是对城市综合体酒店式公寓建筑设计的研究型论文。

    This is an update to the urban complex hotel-style apartment building design research papers .

  10. 第三章分析了组成高层城市综合体形态的基本要素。

    The third chapter analyzes the composition of the basic elements of the high-rise urban complex .

  11. 近两三年来,城市综合体已经成为国内房地产行业的最热词。

    In recent years " urban complex " has become hot in real estate industry in China .

  12. 从氛围视角出发,是研究城市综合体商业空间的一个重要切入点。

    The perspective of atmosphere is an important breakthrough point of researching on urban complex commercial space .

  13. 经济因素、政策因素、区位因素、市场因素等影响着城市综合体的功能定位。

    Factors such as the economy , policies , location and market affect the functions of urban complex .

  14. 基于主导功能选择的城市综合体开发策略研究

    Research on the Strategy of the Urban Complex Development Based on Establishing the Leading Function of the Project

  15. 本文是导师汪恒提出的城市综合体系列研究的第三篇论文。

    This thesis is the third paper of the urban complex study series directed by professor Wang Heng .

  16. 基于城市综合体下的现代商务酒店是整个酒店体系中不可或缺的组成部分。

    Based on modern business hotel in the city complex is an integral part in the entire hotel system .

  17. 第三部分包括第四章基于使用者行为模式的城市综合体设计,第五章城市综合体公共空间设计。

    The urban complex design based on user behavior patterns , and the public space design of urban complex .

  18. 当前,城市综合体已成为我国房地产市场发展的重要部分。

    At present , urban complex has become an important part of the real estate market development in our country .

  19. 因此,城市综合体与城市轨道交通的关联是城市发展的必然选择。

    Therefore , the association of the urban complex and the urban rail transit is an inevitable choice for urban development .

  20. 主要从使用者行为模式角度分析了对城市综合体具有影响的各种问题,并针对每一个问题提出了解决建议。

    Analyze the impact on the urban complex from the perspective of user behavior patterns , and suggested solutions for each problem .

  21. 第六章以高层城市综合体与城市的外部关系为研究对象,阐释了城市综合体与城市形态的相互影响。

    Chapter VI discusses the relationship between the high-rise urban complex and the urban form and illustrates the mutual influence of each other .

  22. 论文还通过配套服务设施、安全保障和造型设计等方面对城市综合体酒店式公寓涉及的热点问题提出了自己的观点,具有较强的时效性。

    Also through the facilities , security and design of urban comprehensive apartment involve his views on hot issues , with strong timeliness .

  23. 第一章阐明了本研究的研究背景及意义,并梳理了国内外城市综合体项目的研究现状。

    The first chapter illustrates the background and significance of this study and sort out the status of domestic and international urban complex projects .

  24. 其次,通过对城市综合体自身的功能、空间进行了论述,引出了城市综合体与轨道交通关联的层面。

    Then , the author raises the association level of urban complexes and urban rail transport by discussing the city complex function and space .

  25. 城市综合体对城市发展如此重要,而其建设过程中又存在很多复杂的管理问题和一系列的风险。

    Critical for city development , city complex involves many complicated management problems and a series of risks during the process of its construction .

  26. 近年来,大型城市综合体的相继开发建设,成为合肥城市建设中的亮丽风景。

    In recent years , the successive development and construction of large-scale urban complexes has become a common sight in the city 's urban construction .

  27. 城市综合体以功能协同、空间紧凑、抗风险能力强为特点,表现出极大的生命力和充沛的发展潜能。

    Urban complex has showed its great vitality and plentiful development potential with function collaboration , space compact and strong anti-risk ability as its features .

  28. 在房地产调控不断深入的背景下,房地产开发商纷纷从住宅地产开发转向城市综合体开发。

    With the further development of the real estate regulation , more real estate developers are turning to city complex development from housing real estate .

  29. 最终结合厦门市轨道交通线网规划,提出厦门市城市综合体布局规划以及实施思路。

    Based on the city metro transaction net planning of Xiamen , the paper presents the layout and planning of Xiamen UC and advices of implement .

  30. 随着房地产业步入商业地产年代,城市综合体逐渐成为房地产行业的新热点。

    With realty industry stepping into the era of commercial real estate , urban complex has gradually developed into the new hotspot of real estate industry .