
  • 网络Residential Area;urban residential areas;residential district;urban community
  1. 居民环境态度影响下城市居住区绿地的合理规模&以广州市为例

    Proper Scale for the Green Space of the Urban Community under the Influence of the Environmental Attitude of the Residents & Take Guangzhou City for Example

  2. 我国在市场经济改革之后,城市住区建设蓬勃发展,城市居住区相关理论研究也得到了深入的发展。

    After market economy reform , the urban community construction in China has vigorous developed , and people living level enhance unceasingly , the urban community correlated fundamental research also obtained thorough development .

  3. 基于LEAP的城市居住区能值评价与复合情景分析

    LEAP based comprehensive scenario analysis of emergy evaluation on urban residential area

  4. 定量AHP模型在城市居住区植物景观评价中的应用

    The Applications of the Quantitative AHP Model in Evaluating the Plant Landscape in Urban Residential Areas

  5. 城市居住区空气中苯系物的测定来源分析

    Measurement and analysis of benzene hydrocarbon in urban residential quarters air

  6. 寒地城市居住区冬季植物景观研究

    The Study on Resident Community Winter Plant Landscape in Winter Cities

  7. 城市居住区室外光环境现状调查研究

    Investigation on exterior Luminous Environment of Residential Area in the City

  8. 城市居住区婴幼儿户外活动空间研究

    Space research on infants ' outdoor activities in urban residential area

  9. 解析中等城市居住区绿化设计&以宜春市某小区绿化规划为例

    Analyze on the Residential Area Green Afforestation Design of Medium-sized Cities

  10. 中部非省会城市居住区开发前期的规划研究

    Planning Research on Early Residential Areas Development in Central Non-capital Cities

  11. 最后指出中西方城市居住区空间分化的动力机制的差异性。

    Lastly , the differentiation in mechanism between Western countries and China .

  12. 城市居住区低频噪声的烦恼度分析研究

    Study of Annoyance of Low Frequency in Urban Residential Area

  13. 大城市居住区空间发展模式研究

    The Research on Spatial Development Model of Residential Areas in Big Cities

  14. 艺术地生活&论现代城市居住区人文景观的设计

    To Live in an Artistic Way-On Landscape Design in Modern Urban Communities

  15. 轿车发展与城市居住区规划初探

    Primary research on cars development and city populated area planning

  16. 城市居住区生态型植物景观营造探讨

    Discussion on Ecotype Plant Landscape Architecture of Urban Residential Areas

  17. 城市居住区开发及交通影响分析研究

    Research on the Scale of Uptown And Traffic Impact Analysis

  18. 城市居住区规划中的抗震防灾问题研究

    Problems of Resisting Earthquake and Preventing Disasters in Urban Residential District Planning

  19. 城市居住区空间是城市社会空间的一个重要组成部分。

    Urban residential space is an important part of urban social space .

  20. 城市居住区人文景观的设计与创新

    Creativity in the Human Landscape Design for Urban Residence

  21. 城市居住区景观环境设计研讨

    A study of Environmental Design In urban Residential District

  22. 城市居住区开放性模式研究

    An Analysis on Opening Model of City Residential Area

  23. 居民对小城市居住区环境的评价分析

    Analysis of residents ' evaluation of residential area environment in a small city

  24. 城市居住区公共绿地开放空间设计研究

    Study on the Open-Space Design of the Public Green-space in Urban Residential District

  25. 机械式停车方式在城市居住区中的运用

    Application of Mechanical Parking Mode in Urban Residential Districts

  26. 城市居住区的可持续设计及其管理系统

    Sustainable Design and Management System on Urban Residential Quarter

  27. 寒地城市居住区老年人户外休闲空间的研究

    Study on the Leisure Space of Outdoor for Old People in Cold-ground City

  28. 城市居住区停车问题研究

    Research on parking problem for the urban residential area

  29. 城市居住区室外照明规划与设计

    Outdoor Lighting Planning and Design in Urban Residential Area

  30. 城市居住区绿地的生态功能探讨

    Discussion on Ecological Function of the Green Land in the City Populated Area