
  • 网络urban green;Urban green space;green area;green space
  1. 运用RS和GIS技术进行城市绿地覆盖调查

    Using RS and GIS technology to investigate urban green land cover

  2. GIS和RS技术在城市绿地规划方面的应用

    Application of GIS and RS to Urban Green Land Programming

  3. 最后分析了GIS在城市绿地系统规划中的应用前景。

    Finally , the prospect of GIS application in urban green space planning is also discussed .

  4. 本文总结了地理信息系统(GIS)近年来在我院城市绿地系统规划中的应用。

    This paper reviews the application of GIS in urban green space system planning in the recent years .

  5. 基于GIS与CBR的城市绿地规划支持系统及其关键技术

    GIS and CBR Based Support System for Urban Green Land Planning and its Key Techniques

  6. 最后,对模型的应用效果进行了总结,认为基于AHP法的城市绿地系统效益评价模型可有效解决城市绿地系统效益评价问题。

    The model based on AHP theory can solve the problems produced in evaluating greenbelt sufficiently .

  7. 本文对基于服务式GIS的城市绿地信息系统的设计与实现过程进行了研究和探讨。

    The issues of design and implementation of Green Space information system based on Service GIS have been discussed and studied in this article .

  8. 基于Voronoi图的洛阳城市绿地系统分析与设计

    Study on Analysis and Design of Green Space System in Luoyang Based on Voronoi Diagram

  9. 在概述并分析了GIS技术应用于城市绿地研究现状的基础之上,以福州市仓山区为研究区域,依照GIS软件工程理念完成了系统设计。

    After summarizing and analysing literatures about applying GIS in green space , it aimed Cangshan of Fuzhou city as study area and completed the system design in accordance with the GIS software engineering concepts .

  10. 以东北林业大学为例,对GIS、RS相结合用于城市绿地评价的方法进行了研究,并在此基础上,给出了城市绿地专题评价系统的构建方法。

    The method of appraising urban greenbelt was studied based on GIS and RS by taking Northeast Forestry University as an example , and an approach for designing a thematic evaluation system was also put forward .

  11. 本研究简要介绍了地理信息系统的发展、专题地理信息系统开发、GIS及相关技术在城市绿地生态研究中运用进展。

    And its aim is to daily manage , analysis and research together . At first , this paper introduce the development of GIS , the study evolvement of special GIS and the application of urban greenland by GIS and its correlated technology .

  12. 在城市绿地土壤的综合评价中应加入CEC这一评价指标。上海土壤CEC的控制标准可定在≥14cmol/kg。

    It is , therefore , necessary to add CEC as an item to the index system for evaluation of urban garden soil quality and CEC of the gardens soils in shanghai should be controlled ≥ 14 cmol / kg .

  13. 论城市绿地系统规划理论与方法的与时俱进

    On the Urban Green Space System Planning Theory and Method Renewal

  14. 城市绿地系统是城市中一种特殊的生态系统。

    Urban Greenland system is a special eco system in city .

  15. 城市绿地减弱噪声效果分析

    Analysis of the effect of noise abatement in urban green areas

  16. 城市绿地规划研究进展

    Advances in Urban Green Space System Planning at Home and Abroad

  17. 哈尔滨市生态城市绿地系统建设综合措施

    Integration Measure Of Ecology City Greenbelt System Construction In Harbin City

  18. 城市绿地外部经济效应的基础研究

    Fundamental Study of the External Economic Effect of Urban Green Space

  19. 城市绿地中人工湿地景观的营造

    Construction of the Artificial Wetland Landscape in the Urban Green Space

  20. 我国城市绿地系统的规划与建设

    A Study on Urban Green System Planning and Construction of China

  21. 城市绿地系统生物多样性保护的特点和任务

    The Characteristics and Tasks of Bio-diversity Protection in City Green Space System

  22. 上海城市绿地植物造景研究

    Studies on Planting Design of Urban Green Space in Shanghai

  23. 上海城市绿地空气负离子研究

    Study on the air anions of the urban greenery patches in Shanghai

  24. 北方城市绿地建设及绿化模式多样式探讨

    On the Green construction programme and Pattern of North cities

  25. 城市绿地旅游资源管理的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Management of Tourism Resource of Urban Green Land

  26. 提出以乡土植物为主,辅以适量的外地植物构建城市绿地景观。

    Then suggests using land plant to constructing the Uriban greenland landscape .

  27. 上海城市绿地对周边温度场影响范围的初步研究

    The Surveying on Thermal Influence Area of Shanghai Urban Greenbelt

  28. 上海城市绿地景观异质性分析

    Analysis on Landscape Heterogeneity of Geen Space Landscape in Shanghai

  29. 城市绿地系统规划的新思维新方法

    New Ideas and Methods of Urban Green Space System Planning

  30. 成都市城市绿地杂草调查及化学防除研究

    Study on Investigation and Chemical Control of Urban Green Space in Chengdu