
  • 网络urban housing market
  1. 由于住宅产品的异质性,特征价格模型(HPM)被广泛使用于分析城市住宅市场,在理论分析的基础上,尝试构建特征价格模型对杭州市的住宅市场进行实证研究。

    Because of the heterogeneity of housing product , hedonic price model is widely applied to study urban housing market . Based on theoretical analysis , an empirical study was made for housing market of Hangzhou City with hedonic price model .

  2. 城市住宅市场比较法调整因子量化问题研究

    The Quantification Study on Adjustment Factor in Urban Housing Market Comparision

  3. 城市住宅市场价格系统动力学模型实证研究

    A case study on urban housing-price by system dynamics model

  4. 城市住宅市场预测分析

    Analysis of Municipal Housing Market Forecast

  5. 利用模型对全国城市住宅市场进行了实例分析。

    Sample analytic has been made for urban residential market of the country by the model .

  6. 研究发现,在城市住宅市场中,经济适用住房市场和商品房市场具有很强的相关性。

    A strong correlation between economical housing market and common housing market is demonstrated in this paper .

  7. 无论是政府福利住房制度的制定,还是商品住宅开发者的开发行为,都应以充分的了解我国各城市住宅市场需求和住宅消费者行为为前提。

    All parts in the housing industry should know well about housing demand and its customer 's behavior of the city .

  8. 论文的研究成果既可作为政府调控城市住宅市场发展的依据,也可作为居民投资置业的依据。

    The results can be helpful for government to make macro-control of housing market and for citizens to make housing choice .

  9. 从五个方面具体分析影响城市住宅市场分化的机构、各种机构对城市居住空间、社会空间分异的影响力:(1)政府作为土地所有者及其作用形态;

    Then author research five kinds of social institutions which impact social-spatial differentiation : ( 1 ) government and its effect as land owner ;

  10. 通过相关政策的实行,以期促进我国整体上城市住宅市场的健康发展和社会的和谐安定。

    Through the implementation of relevant policies and the promotion of the overall health of urban housing market development and social harmony and stability .

  11. 通过以上的实证分析结果,提出了几点城市住宅市场调控的政策建议,包括稳定土地价格、调控政策与差异性相结合等。

    Through the above empirical results , making several urban housing market regulation policy recommendations , including stabilizing land prices , combining control policies and differences and so on .

  12. 其次,本文具体研究了城市住宅市场供需理论,重点阐述了城市住宅市场的市场特征以及城市一级住宅市场供给与需求的结构、影响因素、评价指标和市场均衡等内容。

    Secondly , it studies the urban housing market theory of supply and demand in detail , expatiates content and structure , the influencing factor , appraisement index and market balance of it .

  13. 城市住宅开发市场的经济学分析

    Economic analysis of the development market of urban residential housing

  14. 但除北京和上海外,中国许多城市的住宅市场现在正面临供应过剩的困境。

    But the housing market in many cities outside Beijing and Shanghai are now beleaguered with an excessive supply of apartments .

  15. 论文以上述三大难题为研究内容,以构建适合中国城市住宅的市场比较法调整因子量化模型解决以上问题为研究目标。

    The paper take the above three difficult problems as the research content , take constructing adjustment factor quantification model suiting to the China urban housing market to solve the above problem as the research central goal .

  16. 如何把特征价格理论应用于我国的住宅价格分析,构建住宅特征价格模型研究城市的住宅市场,这正是本文试图解决的问题。

    How to apply the hedonic price theory to analyze the housing price of our country , Structure the housing hedonic price model and study the urban housing market , that is exactly the problem that this dissertation attempts to solved .

  17. 城市住宅一级市场供需及发展研究

    Study on the Supply and Demand and Development of First-Class Urban Housing Market

  18. 在此过程中梳理出了中心城市近郊型住宅市场营销战略制定的基本流程及步骤。

    In this process comb a central city suburban housing market marketing strategy formulation of the basic process and procedure .

  19. 本论文在全面分析我国城市住宅房地产市场运行的内部结构和外部影响因素的基础上,建立了城市住宅房地产系统动力学仿真预测模型。

    Firstly , by analyzing the inner structure and external influence factors of the market , the article establishes an emulation forecast model with System Dynamics theory .

  20. 文章首先介绍了城市经济与住宅市场发展的相关理论,阐述了城市与住宅经济发展的关系及住宅价格变动的若干影响因素。

    The paper firstly outlines the urban economics and housing market development theories to explain the relationship between urban economy and housing market and give analysis of relevant factors effecting housing-price fluctuation .

  21. 中国人口城市化对城镇住宅市场需求的影响

    The Impact of Urbanization of China on Demands for Urban Dwellings

  22. 十一五期间我国城市化进程与住宅市场需求分析

    The Analysis of the Demand Total Quantity of the Housing Market in Our Country Based on Urbanized Advancement

  23. 以市场容量为标志,目前上海住宅市场是中国城市中最大的住宅市场。

    Now , shanghai cities dwelling house market is the largest one in China according to the market capacity .

  24. 尤其是在我国城市,伴随着住宅市场化的深入发展,具有特色居住环境成为人们对住房选择的迫切需求。

    Especially in large cities , with the continual advancement of residential marketing , it is urgent for people to select dwelling environment with special characteristics .

  25. 该报告发现,主要城市的超级豪华住宅市场,即“亿万富豪市场”的发展速度大大超过了同一城市中主流住宅市场的发展速度。

    The report found that major cities " super luxury housing markets , referred to as ' billionaire markets , " have grown at a much faster clip than mainstream markets of the same cities .

  26. 住宅财富的分配不均进一步拉大了地区之间以及城市家庭内部之间的贫富差距,城市住宅市场的马太效应日渐显著。

    Housing wealth inequality would perform a further wedge between the region and urban family internal , the " Matthew effect " of the urban residential market would be increasingly significant .

  27. 通过对海口、深圳这两个我国的经济特区城市住宅开发建设的比较研究,从城市居住主体、住宅市场发展等方面探讨海口城市开发中存在的问题。

    This article studies the issues in city development of Haikou with respect to urban residents and residential housing market development , through comparison of the residential housing development of Haikou and Shenzhen , two special economic development cities in our country .

  28. 现如今,地铁交通建设正在全国各大城市如火如茶的进行,因此探讨城市地铁对沿线住宅市场价格的影响程度在理论研究和现实指导方面都具有重要意义。

    Now , subway construction is implemented in full swing over the big cities in our country , so exploring the influence degree of the subway on the price of the house market along the line is of great significance to the theory research and the practical guidance .

  29. 处于经济发达地区且收入水平越高的城市家庭其住宅财富效应也相应越大,表明中国城市住宅市场的马太效应显著。

    In economically developed areas and the higher the income level , the housing wealth effect is bigger in the urban households , it suggests that the " Matthew effect " of urban residential market is becoming more and more significant .

  30. 建立了住宅市场与城市经济互动机理的研究框架,并分别介绍了城市经济对住宅市场的影响效应和住宅市场对城市经济的反向作用机制近期的研究成果;

    Based on the framework of the topic , the paper respectively introduces the research conclusion about the relationship between housing market and urban economics .