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mìnɡ yì
  • implication
  • set a theme or subject ;set a motif
命意 [mìng yì]
  • (1) [determine a topic]∶确定诗文、绘画等的主题

  • (2) [implication]∶寓意;含意

  • 大家不了解他这句话的命意所在

  1. 自主·平等·历史&卢梭自由观的价值命意

    The Value Implication of Rousseau 's Concept of Liberty

  2. 嬉笑语言面孔下严肃的命意&东西小说叙事策略初探

    Solemnity Under the Mirthful and Laughing Expressions : A Study of the Narrative Strategy in Dong Xi s Novels

  3. 《聊斋志异》佛教思想浅探&兼论蒲松龄创作的主观命意

    Briefly Explore the Buddhist Ideas of the Ghost Lore & Concurrently Discusses the Purpose of Pu Song-ling 's Creation

  4. 方氏词语修辞观的突出特点,是把对词语的修辞功能的分析和诗歌的命意、谋篇结合起来,与作品的题旨、情境结合起来。

    Its prominent characteristic is that he analyses function of rhetoric according to the meaning , sections , chapters , subject and situation of poetry .

  5. 出新意于法度之中寄妙理于豪放之外&苏轼散文命意特色

    On New Meaning Derived from the Legal principle and Extraordinary Argument out of the Bold and unconstrained Style-Features of Propositional Meaning from Su Shi 's Essay

  6. 中国古代文学数理批评包括“作品命意批评”、“编撰体式批评”、“框架结构批评”等八个方面。

    The ancient Chinese literary mathematical criticism had eight aspects including " literary ideas criticism "," editing and writing criticism " and " frame and structure criticism " .

  7. 对命意内省的主体转向则从明清三教同源的背景入手,以主体性内省为旨归,在伦理主调、儒家转变和主体理想三方面进行深入开掘;

    The self-turn of the theme " introspection " is explored from 3 aspects : the ethical main tune , the Confucian conversion and self-ideal with Ming-Qing dynasties " 3 religions of the same source " as background and self-introspection as purpose .

  8. 对数字化技术的价值探析,需要有人文理性的意义维度,以廓清其与人类预设的文化命意和精神旨趣相协同的可能限度,即数字化技术方式背后的哲学局限与艺术美学悖论。

    The exploration of the value of digital technology requires one to appreciate the significance of humanistic reasoning , and to clarify the possible restraint in combining cultural meanings with a spiritual goal by human effort , which indicates a philosophical limitation and aesthetics dialectics underpinning digital technology .

  9. 马克思哲学实际上也代表着一种关心人类命运的价值哲学,他的哲学家们只是用不同的方式解释世界,问题在于改变世界的命题表达的恰恰就是一种价值命意。

    As a matter of fact , Marxist philosophy represents a value philosophy concerned with the destiny of mankind , and his words " The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways , the problem is to change the world ," is precisely an expression of values meaning .