
  • Starcrossed;chuǎn
  1. 罗密欧和朱丽叶这一对莎士比亚笔下命运多舛的恋人

    Shakespeare 's star-crossed lovers , Romeo and Juliet

  2. 另一方面,之前一些昙花一现的操作系统(如命运多舛的PalmOS)也没能打破iOS和安卓的双头垄断。

    On the other hand , previous operating systems ( such as the ill-fated Palm OS ) failed to disrupt an apparent duopoly .

  3. 庞大的国有企业中信与帕尔默围绕中澳铁矿(SinoIron)陷入了一场越来越激烈的纠纷,这个命运多舛的合资项目开发成本超出预算五倍,到头来却迎来铁矿石价格暴跌的窘境。

    The sprawling state-owned enterprise and Mr Palmer are embroiled in an increasingly acrimonious dispute over Sino Iron , the ill-fated venture that was already five times over budget before iron ore prices collapsed .

  4. 几年前,道格拉斯的父亲柯克·道格拉斯(KirkDouglas)还曾在命运多舛的剧场版“飞跃疯人院”中扮演了尼科尔森(JackNicholson)在电影中所扮演的男主角麦克墨菲(RandleP.McMurphy)的角色。

    Douglas 's father Kirk had played Jack Nicholson 's role of protagonist Randle P.McMurphy in the ill-fated stage version of the work several years earlier .

  5. 她在自画像中毫无保留地描绘身体上的痛苦,坦率地暗示充满动荡的情感生活,漫不经心地令自己上升到那个由炽烈燃烧、命运多舛的星辰组成的奇异星座,其中包括詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean)和玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)等人。

    Through self-portraits that unsparingly depict her physical travails and that make frank allusion to a tumultuous emotional life , Kahlo inadvertently vaulted herself into that strange constellation of bright-burning , ill-fated stars , alongside James Dean and Marilyn Monroe .

  6. 从童年开始他就是一个命运多舛的人。

    He has been a ball of fortune from his childhood .

  7. 她命运多舛,生活悲惨。

    Everything conspired to make her life a misery .

  8. 任何一个中国的房地产业并不那么命运多舛。

    Any one of China 's real estate industry are not so ill-fated .

  9. 他自叹命运多舛。

    He repined against his unhappy lot .

  10. 两个命运多舛的情人如此和谐地在一起,只要给我一线希望,你终将答应。

    Two star-crossed lovers in perfect harmony Just give me a chance and you will agree .

  11. 摘要西方自由思想自传入中国,其命运多舛是众所周知的。

    It is well known that the dissemination of western freedom thought in China is zigzag .

  12. 在这场金融风暴中,美国的五大投资银行命运多舛。

    During the great financial crisis , the top five investment banks in America were ill-fated .

  13. 命运多舛生机依然&传统逻辑1在中国

    Traditional Logic in China

  14. 女性在家族伦理的主线中再次沦落,顺从于传统的女性得以善终;叛逆的女性则命运多舛。

    Women degraded from the main line of family ethics once again , concluded with following the traditional women .

  15. 但话题本身却在当时复杂的社会政治形势之下历经浮沉,命运多舛。

    But the topic itself is under the social and political situation at that time complex has had ups and downs .

  16. 尽管命运多舛,作为一位真正的诗人,他火热多情的诗心从未泯灭。

    Despite of suffering so much adversities , as a true poet , he never lose his hot and sentimental poetry heart .

  17. 虽然这句话说得轻松,但是退出事件所带来了余波却不断,武汉队的球员们人人自危,慨叹命运多舛。

    Saying it easy , but from the aftermath of the incidents have continued , Wuhan team players a sense of insecurity , ill-fated sigh .

  18. 谷歌的中国业务可谓命运多舛,这段坎坷的历程在去年最终公司决定关闭其中国业务是达到了顶点。

    Google 's history in China is a rocky one , culminating in the company 's decision to shut down its China operations last year .

  19. 即使是命运多舛的通用汽车,国际化程度也比克莱斯勒高很多,并在全球推出了一系列车型,包括雪佛兰乐聘和科鲁兹。

    Even the accident-prone General Motors has much stronger international reach and is bringing out a global range of cars , including its Aveo and Cruze models .

  20. 但在当时的历史条件下,妇女不过是联结血缘,争权夺势的工具,地位低下,命运多舛。

    But in the historical condition at that time , women but connect took blood , the tool , the potential topple the low status , star-crossed lovers .

  21. 逝去的流行乐之王已经感受不到这种慰藉了,但死亡却刺激了他音乐的复苏,而他本希望借助在伦敦举行的那些命运多舛的复出演唱会来实现这一目标。

    It 's no consolation for the felled King of Pop but his death has sparked the revival he hoped to achieve with those ill-fated comeback concerts in London .

  22. 诺兰·温赖特现已年近五旬,他出生在本城的贫民窟,自幼命运多舛。

    Nolan Wainwright , now nearly fifty , had been spawned in the city 's slums and , from birth , had found life 's odds stacked against him .

  23. 尽管起步不稳,但斯皮德在威尔士国家队的执教最近还是取得了成功,给这个在足球世界里命运多舛的国度带来了和当年一样的乐观与希望。

    His recent success after a wobbly start as the Welsh national football manager has given similar hope and optimism to a nation for whom footballing success has been sparse .

  24. 陪审制度作为一项司法制度在我国已经有几十年的历史了,然而该项制度自从移植到我国以来可谓是命运多舛。

    Jury system as a judicial system in China has a history of several decades , however , since this system has been transplanted to China can be said to be ill-fated .

  25. 在《天赋异禀》的第一季中,洛娜和马可斯是一对命运多舛的恋人,他们因哨兵服务被迫分开了半季。

    Lorna ( Emma Dumont ) and Marcos ( Sean Teale ) were the star-crossed lovers of The Gifted Season 1 when they were forced apart for half the season by Sentinel Services .

  26. 有一点可以肯定的是,在泰坦尼克号第一次也是唯一一次航行100多年之后,全世界对这艘命运多舛邮轮的兴趣丝毫未减。

    But one thing 's for certain , more than 100 years after the Titanic 's first and only voyage , global interest in the doomed ship shows no sign of slowing down .

  27. 但是,具有百年历史的中国科幻小说却命运多舛,长期遭受人们的误解、冷落和歧视,如今这种局面并未得到多少改观。

    Science fiction developed and flourished in the west but in China it had been misunderstood and discriminated in despite of the fact that it has had a history of more than one hundred years .