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  1. 欧盟对企业合并的最新程序法规制&兼议对我国《反垄断法》立法的启示

    On the Newest Procedure Legislation of the EU 's Enterprise Incorporation

  2. 他的研究范围包括诗、词与中国文学。著有《词与音乐关系研究》、《施议对词学论集》以及《当代词综》等。

    His publications include On the Relationship between Ci Poetry and Music , Sze Yee Tui 's Collected Papers of Ci Poetry and Collection of Contempory Ci Poetry .

  3. 试议图书馆对随书附盘的管理

    Talking about the Management of Attached Disks of the Books

  4. 案例教学与教师角色丛&兼议教改对教师角色嬗变的期待

    Case Teaching and the Teacher Multiple-role

  5. 试议如何对汽车零件进行选材

    On the Selection of Automobile Parts

  6. 应用CF-Ⅱ型心血管功能智能检诊议,对我国136名优秀体操运动员,进行血流动力学检测。

    136 elite Chinese Gymnasts received hemodynamic examination by CF : II intelligent system of cardiovascular function .

  7. 试议人生对完美与幸福的心理追求&学习人本主义心理学与精神分析学的一些思考

    On the Psychological Pursuit to the Perfection and Happiness in life & Some Reflection on Humanism and Psychological Analysis

  8. 该智囊机构的新建议可能不会对货币政策有任何影响,因为货币政策由中国人民银行(People'sBankofChina)控制。

    The commerce ministry 's new position is unlikely to have any impact on currency policy , which is controlled by the People 's Bank of China , the central bank .

  9. 简议知识经济对民族地区的影响

    A Brief Discussion on Intellectual Economy 's Influence to Ethnic Areas

  10. 从雨果看浪漫主义作家的世界观和人物创造&兼议马克思恩格斯对浪漫主义的论述

    Viewing Romantic Writers ' Outlook and Character Creation from Hugo

  11. 试论《唐律疏议》中对疾残人的政策上海港本地集装箱集疏运问题及对策

    Policy towards the Disabled in On Tang s Laws ; Shanghai Local Container Transportation Problems and Countermeasures

  12. 预计,这一会议将是对北约新战略概念的最后一次公开讨论。

    The conference is expected to be the last public discussion of issues related to NATO 's new Strategic Concept .

  13. 科学研究自由的法律评价兼议法律应否对科学研究设置禁区?加拿大情报公开法的制定过程及特点兼论对我国相关立法的启示

    Legal Appreciation of the Freedom of Scientific Research Activities The Formulation and Features of the Act of Freedom of Information in Canada & A Concurrent Study of Its Revelations on Our Country 's Legislation

  14. 试议取消农业税对建设社会主义新农村的影响及对策

    Discussion on the Construction of New Socialistic Rural Area after Abolishing the Agricultural Taxation

  15. 论好议时政之风对明末清初时事小说文本的影响

    Impact of Political Criticism Fashion on the Text of Current-Affair Novels Between Late Ming Dynasty and Early Qing Dynasty

  16. 第二部分采用叙议结合的方式对陇东丧葬仪式的基本程序进行介绍。

    The second part : I identify narration with discussion in order to introduce the main process of obsequies ceremony .

  17. 农田已成为一个热议话题,无论对各国、农业组织和大宗商品交易商,还是对机构投资者都是如此。

    Farmland has become a hot topic not only for countries , agricultural groups and commodities traders , but also for institutional investors .

  18. 比如,在一堂英语写作课上,学生们要完成一篇英语的议论文,这对英语写作能力要求很高。

    For instance , in an English writing class , students are asked to write an English essay , which requires a strong writing ability .

  19. 这一错误在网上引发了热议,一些网民对林校长不知道这个词语进行了批评,并且质疑他是否有资格担当这所中国最好高校之一的校长。

    It triggered heated debate online , with some netizens criticizing Lin for not knowing the word and questioning whether he was qualified to be head of one of China 's best universities .

  20. 为此行莫言的衣橱在中国成了互联网上热议的话题,对先前的报告说他会穿燕尾服有一些不满,因为它不是独一无二的中国风。

    Mo 's wardrobe for the trip became the subject of much Internet debate in China , with some unhappy over earlier reports he would wear a tuxedo because it wouldn 't be uniquely Chinese .